Chapter 29

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Alexis' POV

      Immediately after my ceremony my father and I went back to our home in Cokeworth. I didn't really want to leave but he's still angry over everything and I don't blame him. I've tried sending Draco letters but I have a feeling his father is throwing them out.

      It's weird being back in my own bed. If I'm being completely honest it's not as comfortable as mine at school. Or maybe I just enjoy being there more.

                             "Goodnight dad."

     My father nods subtly then shuts my door. I hate seeing him this way, so hopeless and broke down. Draco thinks it's his fault but at the end of the day I'm the reason this all happened.

       With everything going on it's impossible to sleep. I haven't seen Draco in weeks, I never got to say goodbye to my friends. There's a large dark mark on my arm and every time I try to forget about it my dad reminds me.

       Suddenly while laying down getting lost in thoughts, I hear a tapping on my window and my body jumps a foot in the air.

                  Who would be sending me an owl this late?

        I groan dramatically before sliding off my bed and opening my curtains. When I do so I am shocked to not see an owl, but to see Abbie on her broom.

             Quickly, I open the window and she smiles happily.

           "Thank Merlin, I was worried this wasn't the right house!"

                       "Abbie, what are you doing here?" I ask.

        She welcomes herself inside and crawls through the window causing a ruckus. I put my finger up to my lips aggressively and she raises her hands in defense.

          "The girls and I have been so worried!" She tells me in a shouting whisper. "Harry told Luna about you being in the tower and said Draco tried to kill Dumbeldore but then your dad did and-"

                                        "Abbie, get to it." I huff.

         She shoots me a glare but continues. "Long story short, we all miss you. And I don't know what you've gotten yourself involved in or even if you are coming back to Hogwarts-"

                         "I am coming back." I interrupt her again.

          "Oh brilliant!" She shouts. I smack her arm and she goes back to a quiet tone.

                           "Well, I want to go out anyway. So come on get dressed."

           I glance over at my clock and then back at Abbie. "Are you mad? It's the middle of the night."

         She tilts her head down slightly, giving me the "and?" face. Before I can argue with her anymore she walks past me and opens my wardrobe.

                            "Put this on."

      Abbie throws a pair of jeans and a top my way but immediately I throw it back.

                     "Ew, no." I pretend to gag. "I'll pick something out."

         She rolls her eyes and takes a seat on my bed. I scan through my clothes for a minute, then turn towards Abbie.

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