Chapter 21

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Song of the Chapter : Fallingforyou by The 1975

Draco's POV

                   "What are you writing in there?"

      Alexis continues to look down but I see a smirk grow on her face. "None of your business."

         Slowly, I lean over to take a peek but she moves the notebook away before I see anything. I slouch further down in my chair defeated.

                   "Is it about what your dad said the other day?"

                She finally looks up. "I don't know what you mean?"

         I pick my fingers under the table. "You've just been off since he asked to speak with you."

         Alexis closes her notebook and slides her chair closer to me. When her hand rests on mine I see goosebumps form on her arm.

       "He left this morning, business I guess." She sighs while tracing my veins. "I was just looking forward to Christmas this year and now I don't know what to do."

          Her and Snape don't interact much at school. Every once in a while I catch them hugging after class and I'll remember that they're related. Neither of them are very good at showing emotion but it's clear how much they love each other.

          "Anyways, do you have any plans for today?" Alexis breaks the silence.

        I snap out of my thoughts and realize I didn't respond. I have a habit of not replying which probably makes her feel horrible. Honestly, it probably makes her think I don't listen at all.

                 "Not really," I reply. "Probably just working on some stuff later."

              "Are you still trying to figure out that vanishing cabinet?"

                           "How do you know about that?" I snap.

         Alexis rolls her eyes playfully. "Draco, eventually you will realize that I know everything."

       I continue to give her a nasty glare but deep down I'm relieved she's aware of what's happening. Not only does it prove that I'm not completely evil, but it makes me feel less alone.

          "Well, yes. I'm still figuring it out." I huff while getting up from my seat. "I'll catch up with you later?"

       I see a glimpse of disappointment on her face but she quickly puts on a smile.

                      "Yeah, I'll see you."

Alexis' POV

           Draco leaves the common room and immediately I feel the need to occupy myself. Being alone on Christmas Eve doesn't really sound enjoyable.

          I stand up from the table slowly then head towards the exit. As soon as I'm out I move in the direction of the library. Paige is usually camping out there, maybe we can find something to do.

           Just like I predicted, Paige is sitting at a desk in the back of the library. Unfortunately though, she's not alone. I guess Cedric came back from break early.

                   I rub my head aggressively and sigh.

                              This is pathetic.

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