Chapter 16

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Song of the Chapter : Black Magic by Jaymes Young

Alexis' POV

       "What if you do the spell wrong?!" Abbie shouts at Paige.

              "I promise I know what I'm doing." She laughs.

      Abbie lets out an exaggerated whine but gives in and moves in front of Paige. Paige lifts her wand and subtly flicks her wrist.

       Instantly, Abbie's hair turns red. I cover my mouth trying my best not to laugh.

      "Oh shut it, Lex." Amber huffs while walking over. Paige uses magic a second time and now Amber is matching with Abbie. Surprisingly, they both look nice with the new hair color.

        Alyssa pushes me out of the way aggressively. "Okay, my turn!"

        "We don't need this many Weasleys at Hogwarts." Aubrey sighs.

      I nod in agreement. Their costumes are now complete and I'm quite impressed. The idea to dress up like our dates is absolutely hilarious. Even though most of us are dressed as boys we made sure to add a girly touch. Halloween is for dressing sexy, right?

                  "Lex, you have to go platinum." Gabriella says.

      My whole life I've had the same hair color. It's extremely dark and going white sounds terrifying. But I'm committed to the costume, so I agree.

      I stand in front of Paige and wait patiently for her to cast the spell. The second she does I feel my hair change colors.

       Alyssa's eyes grow big. "Blimey! Blonde suits you so well!"

       I turn my body around and stare into the mirror. For a moment, I hardly recognize myself. The lightness of my hair against the paleness of my skin makes me uncomfortable.

                "How long will this last, Paige?"

      She pulls out a textbook and scans the pages. "Around five hours I'm pretty sure."

      Amber, Abbie, Alyssa, and I all stare at each other nervously. Luckily, the rest of my costume makes up for the new hair.

     Trying to dress like Draco is a challenge, considering all he wears nowadays is a black suit. Amber had it easy, she stole a Gryffindor uniform from Abbie's wardrobe. Abbie and Paige are wearing their boy's Quidditch jerseys and Alyssa got Molly to make her an "R" sweater. Aubrey snagged a sweater vest from Neville which I think is brilliant.

       Like I said though, Draco only wears black suits. And either way, wearing Slytherin robes would be too simple considering it's what I wear every day. So I asked Blaise to bring me one of Draco's suit jackets and personally I think it works.

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