Chapter 24

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Alexis' POV

         My father came into the bathroom not long after I finished the healing spell and helped me bring Draco to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey has been letting me stay longer than my welcome.

                       "How did this happen?"

           I force my eyes open to look up at my father. "I don't know."

           We both look over at Draco sleeping peacefully on the bed. Even though I did close the wounds it's going to take a while for him to get back to normal.

                    "Have you eaten today, Alexis? Have you slept?"

           I ignore my father's questions and continue to stare at Draco. Little moments from the bathroom keep replaying in my mind. The water shooting out of the pipes, Harry raising his wand. But the one thing that bothers me the most is continuously hearing the sound of Draco's sobs.

                  "I think Potter has your old potions textbook."

      My father raises an eyebrow at me. "The one that you stole from me when you were younger?"

           I roll my eyes but nod. My father has hundreds of books with thousands of notes inside each. Growing up I was always trying to learn new things.

          That's how I learned the curse he created. The last time I saw that book I was 14, my father caught me practicing the curse and took the book away. If only I knew how it ended up in Harry's possession.

         "I'll deal with Mr. Potter," My father sighs. "In the meantime I expect to see you attending dinner this evening-"

                   "I don't want him to be alone when he wakes up." I interrupt.

         He opens his mouth to argue with me but then stops himself. I hear his footsteps exit the wing and I'm left in complete silence.

          My eyes shut themselves once again as I try to get comfortable on the wooden chair Pomfrey placed beside Draco's bed.


                                    "Hey you."

       I look over my shoulder and see Paige walking towards me with plates in her hands. She steals a chair from the nearest bedside and sits down beside me.

                   "I thought you might be hungry."

          I smile as she places a full plate of food on my lap. "Where's everyone else?"

         Paige glances at Draco, then back at me. "I think they're scared to visit, after what Harry did."

        Harry's not a bad person but I know he's going to continue to try and stop Draco. Which probably feels right in his heroic mind, and I respect him for it. But in the end, sometimes bad things just have to happen.

        I move the mashed potatoes back and forth with my spoon. "Well, I appreciate you coming. Draco does as well."

      She laughs to herself quietly.

           "I don't mean to be nosy, but may I ask why you think Harry used that spell?"

        Although Paige is asking I fear she already knows the answer. The expression on her face says so.

                  Hoping my instinct is wrong, I shrug my shoulders.

            "Well, I'm glad he's alright." She continues. "And I hope that whatever you two end up doing with that cabinet doesn't end badly."

          My head snaps in her direction and I look at her with wide eyes. A small smile grows on her face while she gets up from her seat.

                   "I lied, I guess I am kind of nosy." She chuckles.


          I wake up a half past three in the morning freezing to death. The wing is extremely dark, the only light coming from a candle burning on the bedside table.

            Trying to warm myself, I curl up into a ball on the chair. My entire body aches from the lack of cushion underneath me.

            I rest my head on top of my knees and squeeze my eyes shut, trying to imagine a nice sandy beach with warm winds. The image in my mind quickly goes away when I hear movement in front of me.

                              "You can't stay away from me, can you?"

             Draco's eyes are still closed but I see a smirk forming. I didn't realize how badly I missed hearing his voice until now.

                     "How are you feeling?" I ask in a whisper.

             Finally, he looks over at me and I see the blue. "Honestly, I feel like shit."

            I frown even though that's expected. For someone that has been through such an awful curse he's doing well, though. Thankfully.

               When I don't reply, he speaks again. "How long have you been here?"

                  "The whole time," I say. "I didn't want you to wake up all alone."

           He lets out a heavy sigh while looking me up and down, which doesn't take long considering I'm still hugging my body.

            I drop my legs down and get ready to stand. "Do you need me to get you anything?"

          When Draco sees me moving he reaches his hand out from under the covers and pulls me back.

                              "Come here." He says softly.

            I pause for a moment, seeing how small the single bed is. But he slowly moves to one side to make room.

            I slip my body into the bed beside him carefully in hopes of not causing him any pain. As soon as I lay down his arm falls over me.

         "Remember what you said that one time," Draco begins. "About wanting to help?"

                  I tilt my head slightly to make eye contact with him. "Yes, why?"

          He pulls my hair behind my ears so he can see my entire face.

                        "I think I need help now." He whispers.

           I feel his finger glide back and forth across my cheek delicately as he waits for a response. Even though my father will hate me for it, I would never in a million years say no. Technically in some ways I've already been helping. But now that Draco is willing to let me it's going to be a lot easier.


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