Chapter 23

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Alexis' POV

         Although Draco is aware of the cabinet being fixed, he's been holding off on telling the death eaters. If I remember correctly, he said he wants a "little bit more time not being a murderer." It's nice to see that he still has his humor I guess.

        So far the second term of school has been going smoothly. And for a while, Draco and I were having a nice time. Dates in the courtyard, nights at the astronomy tower. For the first time ever it really felt like he was comfortable with me.

         But the closer it gets to summer the more distant he gets. It started at the end of March when his mother called him home for a meeting. The next day when I saw him it was very clear something was wrong. Not only that but him and my father have been talking quite a bit.

                    "I swear he never pays attention to me anymore!"

       I look up at Luna sympathetically. "Maybe he's just caught up with classes?"

      "That's one way to put it," Gabriella chuckles. "He's always got his face in that potions book."

         Luna sighs dramatically and drops her head onto the table. The loud bang on the wood makes Aubrey jump.

                                         "What's up with her?"

        I shake my head signaling for her to not worry. It is a bit odd, Harry being so invested in potions class. Even right now I can see his head buried in a book at the Gryffindor table. I guess that explains why he's at the top of the class with me.

                       "Have you and Draco been alright, Lex?" Gabriella asks me.

                                   "Why wouldn't we be?"

        All three of the girls stare at me from across the table, including Luna.

        "He's just been distant lately, that's all." Aubrey tilts her head in the direction of the empty spot beside me.

                 Just as I'm about to respond I see Draco entering the great hall.

                "See! He's right there." I straighten my posture to see over the girls.

            I wait patiently for Draco to look in my direction but he keeps his head down.

                            "Couple of the year, everyone." Luna scoffs.

        Draco meets with the middle of the room and then stops. When he lifts his head I smile in hopes that he'll do the same. Instead, he stares straight forward.

          Suddenly, I see his eyes grow big. For a split second, he looks in my direction and I'm filled with more questions. But when he turns back to the front all of my questions are answered.

               Katie Bell is back.

         And to make matters worse, Harry is speaking with her.

          Draco and Harry stare at each other for what feels like a century and before I can intervene, Draco rushes out of the great hall.

         Instantly, I push off of the table. "I've got to go."

        The girls don't ask any questions, they just smile and go back to their conversations. Harry manages to get out before me but I follow right behind.

         I keep a safe space between us in hopes of him not hearing me behind. The hallways are silent due to everyone eating in the great hall which makes it twice as hard. Thankfully, Harry is too focused on Draco to pay attention to his surroundings.

        When I reach the sixth floor I'm completely alone. Looking around I see no sign of the two boys. I move towards the stairs once again until I hear sounds coming from the boys bathroom.

        Quietly, I find my way inside. The sound continues to echo in my ears and it finally hits me that it's Draco's sobs. I want so badly to rush forward and comfort him, but I can't.

                               Because Harry is in between us.

                                                "It was you, Malfoy."

        Draco's head lifts up from the sink and stares at Harry through the reflection of the mirror. I keep myself hidden in case things end up going badly. My hand slowly pulls the wand from my pocket.

                                "You hexed Katie, didn't you?"

          When Draco turns around, the expression on his face sends chills down my spine. A layer of tears covers the under of his eyes but he doesn't look sad; he looks angry.

         Draco raises his wand and quickly casts a spell at Harry but misses. I see the ball of light flying in my direction and jump to the other side of the doorway.

        As I get back on my feet I hear another spell being shot across the room, this time at Draco. It misses by an inch, hitting one of the pipes and creating a massive puddle in the center of the room.

        Still gripping my wand, I make my way forward. Harry hears my footsteps through the water and turns. His eyes grow big and for a moment I think he forgets what's happening. While he's still distracted, Draco throws a curse at his body.

        Once again he misses and the three of us are now completely separated. The room is silent, the only sound coming from the water splashing on the ground.

          My mind tries to wrap itself around what's happening but it's impossible.

                     Am I really in a fight against Harry?

        I hear footsteps moving further away and slowly follow. Draco spins around in the center of the room trying to find Harry. The second he does he flicks his wand.

         In the silence, a spell comes from Harry's mouth that I haven't heard in years. I hardly even remember what it does or where it came from.


          When I turn the corner and see Draco laying in the center of the floor, all of the information comes back to me.


           I drop down beside him and watch as the blood pours from his chest. He tries to speak but chokes on his own tears.

                     "It's okay, it's okay." I say trying to not just convince him, but myself.

         I look up and see Harry staring down at the two of us in shock. He clearly didn't know what the spell would actually do.

                        "How do you know that spell?!" I shout.

                   He stays quiet.

                                "Answer me!"

        Out of the corner of my eye, the book in Harry's hand reflects off of the light from the window. The pieces quickly add up in my mind but before I can say anything else he disappears into the hall.

        Draco's cries snap me back to reality and I realize I need to heal him now or he might die.

                      Remember the spell, Lex. Come on.

          A lightbulb sparks in me and I quickly trace my wand over the cuts in Draco's chest. Softly I say the words to the incantation my father created years ago. The blood pooling around us slowly soaks back into his body and I feel my heart starting to beat normally again.

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