Chapter 10

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Draco's POV

      As soon as Alexis enters the hall I make it known I'm present and she practically runs into me.

             "Bloody hell, Draco!" She shouts.

       I watch as she brushes herself off. Clearly, she's on edge. I should thank her for getting me out of trouble, but it just doesn't make sense.

          Alexis starts talking but I cut her off. "Why did you lie?"

      She closes her mouth and stays quiet. I visualize the gears in her brain moving quickly trying to think of a response.

         "Do you like, have a crush on me or something?" I taunt.

       She swallows hard. For a moment, I see the caring, sweet side of Alexis. Her eyes glow with the light shining in from the nearest window. The darkness of her hair blends perfectly with the fairness of her skin.

       I've been completely fascinated by her since the second I laid eyes on her. She holds herself so well but at the same time it's so clear that she's struggling to stay afloat.

      That's why I tried to get close. Something tells me that we would get along. I still do want to be friends with her, and in some way I'd say we are.

       After seeing her kiss Nott a realization came over me that maybe I actually want her to be more than a friend. I've never thought about anyone like that before.


I jump back to reality and see Alexis giving me an awkward stare.

                 "Can you say that again?" I ask.

    She sighs dramatically. "I said that even if I did, it doesn't matter."

       I tilt my head trying to be sympathetic. "Why doesn't it matter?"

       She completely ignores my question. "I told you I would lie, so I did. I don't break promises."

        I groan and rub my temples. Before saying something I'll regret, I turn around and begin walking back to the common room.


       During supper Professor McGonagall steps up to the front and gets everyone's attention. For a moment, I'm questioning what she's going to say, but Pansy slides closer to me and I figure it out.

                 "As you all know it is once again that time of the year."

      The rest of the girls start to whisper to each other. I subtly look down the table and see Alexis sitting with her friends. I can tell they're explaining to her what McGonagall is talking about.

      "The fall ball will be held this Friday. The theme is one of my favorites so I can't wait to see all of your dresses."

      Pansy rubs her legs against mine under the table. I've been with her to the fall ball twice already. She shows interest in me and no one else has in the past.

      Even though Alexis tries to hide her attraction towards me, I know it's there. I still can't fully explain what came over me in the common room the night after Snape's class. Maybe it was the part in me deep down knowing that if I were to look into that mirror, I would have seen her too.

              "Who are you looking at?" Pansy hisses.

      I turn and shoot her a glare. "Clearly not you, yeah?"

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