Chapter 8

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Song of the Chapter : Sofia by Clario

Draco's POV

      It's already Monday. I was hoping for some time to myself during the weekend but instead it was taken up by The Dark Lord.

       I told him I knew how I was going to kill Dumbeldore. That was a lie. Well, I have a plan, but I highly doubt it will work. Meaning I need to think of other things.

      The second I step foot into class I spot Alexis already sitting at the front. My heart tightens as I watch her move her hair to the side, exposing the back of her neck. I can only see her robes but my mind begins to imagine what color skirt she's wearing today, and how much of her thighs are showing.

                     "Mr. Malfoy."

      I snap back to reality and realize the entire class is looking my way.

                     Everyone but Alexis.

      Professor Snape signals me to take my seat and I do so. I slam my textbook on my desk aggressively. Everyone turns to the right page but I refuse to even try to focus on classes anymore. Snape narrows his eyes at me but doesn't make a comment. At least he can cut me some slack unlike other teachers.

          "Today is going to be a little bit different."

       My mind goes to a whole new universe while the lesson is being explained. In this world, The Dark Lord is dead. Lucius isn't a death eater and neither am I. People at Hogwarts enjoy my company and I'm not a complete prick all of the time. For a moment, I see an image of myself walking down the hall of the school and I'm not alone. She's walking beside me with a few books in one hand, her other running through the back of my hair.

            "Alexis, come up here please."

      I look up and see Snape staring down at his daughter. Rodgers nudges her arm forcing her out of her seat. Quietly, Alexis walks to the front and stands beside her father. Patiently I wait for her to turn around, but she doesn't.

    Snape walks over to a large object beside his desk. In an instant he pulls off the sheet to reveal a gold mirror.

"This is the Mirror of Erised." Snape informs the class. "Can any of you tell me what this does?"

      Although she's still facing the front of the room I see Alexis rub her forehead aggressively.

                 "No one?"

       Professor Snape turns to Alexis. "I believe you are the only one in here smart enough to answer."

She runs her fingers through her hair and lets out a heavy sigh before answering.

"The Mirror of Erised shows one's deepest desires. That is how it got the name."

      Some of the boys in the class snicker, probably hoping they'll see something they won't ever see in real life. Rodgers turns around in her chair and gives Weasley a flirtatious look. I make sure she sees me pretending to gag.

      Snape signals for Alexis to stand in front of the mirror. After stalling for what feels like a decade, she gives in and walks over.

        "I think they know how it works, dad." I hear her mutter with an attitude.

      He shoots her a glare. Alexis lifts her head slowly and makes eye contact with herself in the mirror. I can't fully see but I refuse to put in any effort to look.

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