Chapter 39

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Song of the Chapter: I Wanna Be Yours by  Arctic Monkeys

Alexis' POV

         Amber mentioned picking out a Halloween costume for me this year and normally I'd decline the offer, but I have no time to go shopping. I don't even think I'd be able to get out of the castle because of the intense security; not really sure how Amber plans on getting me something.

       Potions is over which means classes are done for the week and I have to find the girls. I assume they're all getting ready.

        I make my way to the Slytherin common room and head down to the dorms. Just as I suspected, Luna, Aubrey, and Gabriella are putting on their costumes.

                "Where's your costume?!" Gabbie huffs.

           I raise my hands in defense. "Amber has it, she'll bring it soon."

        Honestly, I wish she would have told me what she had picked out so I had some idea what to do with my hair and makeup. I guess either way I'd probably end up doing simple makeup and curling my hair. Once Luna finishes I take a seat beside the mirror.

         "What are you and Neville being?" I look at Aubrey through the mirror.

       "Cory and Topanga!" She says excitedly.

              The three of us look at her awkwardly.

             "From Boy Meets World?"

        We wait for a better explanation but she just lets out a heavy sigh and leaves the room.

         Luna finishes putting on her costume and I don't need to ask to know; Clothing from the 30's, fake blood smudged on her cheek. She's going as Bonnie, the American criminal. That only means one thing, Harry must be Clyde.

        As badly as I want them to see each other again I don't know if it's the best idea, considering we're not going to be in the school. The Dark Lord is still searching for Harry and he won't stop at nothing to kill him.

        Before I can say anything to her I hear a knock at the door. I start to get up to answer it but Amber lets herself in.

            "What do you think of my costume?" She asks all of us.

        The green dress she has on is completely covered in glitter and so are her matching shoes. Her hair is tied up in a small bun and attached to her back are large white fairy wings.

        "It looks amazing, Amber!" Gabbie shouts. "I told you the sparkles would complete it."

       Amber makes her way over to me and places a bag on the table. The second I open it up I spot large ears poking out and look up at her.

                      "What is this?"

         She rolls her eyes and takes the costume from the bag to hold it up. My eyes grow big as I stare at the long-sleeve black leotard and fishnet tights.

          Amber holds the ears up above the costume. "It's a bunny, see?"

         The expression on my face makes Luna burst into laughter. I try to speak but I'm still completely shocked by the lack of clothing.

                     "You expect me to wear that?" I scoff.

                             "Why not? It's so hot!"

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