Chapter 25

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Alexis' POV

    Although Draco is practically healed Madam Pomfrey is making him stay for a few more nights in the wing. He's insisted that I get back to my classes so my father doesn't try and use the curse on him again.

            I know I need to go back to focusing on school and what not but it's hard when in just a few weeks Draco is planning on killing the headmaster.

                         After that, will my potions homework even matter?

            "I'm pleased to have my Dark Arts partner back." Amber says to me while taking a seat.

                                     "Did I miss a lot?"

        "Not really," She replies. "Your dad did throw a book at George last class."

                     I look over at George then back at Amber. "Why?"

         She shrugs her shoulders and goes back to her notes. My father enters the room and immediately greets me with a smile. The entire class seems to be on edge but I know deep down it's just my mind playing tricks on me. Hardly anyone knows about what happened between Draco and Harry, unless word got around and I'm not aware.

      As I sit in class and listen to my father's lecture I realize that if Potter actually does in fact have the textbook I need to find a way to get it back.

        I know my father told me he'd handle it but as a professor at the school there's only so much he can say to a student.

               "Do you know what class Luna has this period?" I whisper to Amber.

        She pauses for a little while to think. "I'm almost positive she's in Charms with Harry and Aubrey."

    I thank Amber with a subtle smile, then raise my hand high. My father gives me a slightly irritated look when I ask to use the laboratory but let's me go anyway.

          It's not like I'm even missing anything, I have a perfect grade in Dark Arts.

           If I were to ask Potter for the book he'd never give it to me. I'm still not sure if he even knows it belongs to my father. And as much as I hate the thought of explaining everything to Luna, I know she'll help me out.

        When I arrive at the entrance of Professor Flitwick's room I peek inside to make sure the information Amber gave me is correct. Just as she said, Luna is sitting at a table with Harry.

        I'm not even sure if my plan is going to work but I swing the door open and watch as everyone turns in my direction. Harry's eyes meet with mine and I can't tell if he's giving me a glare or trying to be sincere. Either way I look past him and smile big at Flitwick.

                           "Is there a problem, Miss Snape?"

    "No problem, sir." I respond. "Luna is needed in Dark Arts class. My father would like to have a word with her."

    Luna rolls her eyes dramatically but gets up from her chair and follows me into the hall.

        "Is your dad still mad about that joke I made in class?" She huffs.

                           I tilt my head. "What joke?"

        Luna opens her mouth but I interrupt. "Never mind, not important."

    The second she realizes that my father doesn't actually need to speak with her and I've lied, she straightens her posture.

                                "I know you know about the textbook."

         "Of course I know about it, he's always carrying it around." Luna scoffs.

                                "I need you to get it for me." I say sternly.

    The tone is my voice creates a sort of tension between the two of us. She quickly starts putting pieces of the puzzle together in her mind and part of me wants to stop her but it's too late.

                          Luckily, Luna is someone I know deep down I can trust.

            "Harry doesn't have it anymore, he hid it in the Room of Requirement a few days ago."

    My hand meets with my face and I rub my temples aggressively. It's going to take me hours to search that place.

                "I guess that's my next stop then." I sigh before walking in the direction of the nearest staircase.

            "Lex," I turn around to look back at Luna. "Harry is sorry. I know that may be hard to believe but I promise you he's only trying to do what he feels is right."

        So many responses come to me at once. Anger and frustration is boiling in my gut but guilt and fear is tugging at my heart.

             When it comes down to who's right and wrong, Harry is the hero and Draco, my father, and I are the villains.

        All of my thoughts fade away and I give Luna a smile before disappearing down the hallway.

Draco's POV

           Usually, I'd be grateful to spend some time in bed not doing anything. But all I have been thinking about this entire time is what's about to happen. Every time I close my eyes, an image of myself my first year appears in front of me and I feel embarrassed for him to see who I've become.

                                He doesn't deserve this life.

      The last time I talked with The Dark Lord he told me I had until mid June to complete the task he's given. That's only a month away.

     Alexis left the wing early this morning to get to her first class and I've been alone ever since. Pomfrey is usually in here as well but I guess there was an incident in potions.

        Even though I've slept way too much lately I close my eyes and try to drift off. I wish I could say when I'm asleep things are better, but they're not.

       My dreams of growing old with someone I love have turned into nightmares about me spending the rest of my life in Azkaban.

       While laying in complete silence I hear a slight tapping on the window behind the bed. At first I tell myself it's rain and get excited, but when it stops abruptly I realize it's something else.
     I lift and turn my head in the direction of the window and see an owl staring back at me. My hand reaches over to unlatch the seal and as soon as I have the piece of paper in my possession the owl flies away.

    I position myself upright on the bed before opening the note. The moment I see the chicken scratch handwriting I know exactly who it's from.

                                     It's time.


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