Chapter 41

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Song of the Chapter: Arcade by Duncan Laurence

Draco's POV


        I'd like to speak with you after your classes today. Take the train to the manor this evening. The Carrows will let you out, although you seem to have no problem getting out yourself.

                 L. Malfoy

       I stare down at the piece of parchment in my hand one last time before shoving it back into my pocket. The cold winter breeze hits my neck and makes me feel three times more uneasy.

        I take one last deep inhale, then walk towards the gates of the manor. Just as I place my hand on the door my father swings it open.

                            "You're late."

           I sigh. "The train made more stops than usual."

         He looks me up and down before turning around and re-entering the home, and I follow. Just like always there's a lack of heat and light. When I was little I'd have to pile on blankets just to sleep decently.

          While walking in the direction of my father's office I scan the hallways for my mother but see no sight of her. There's still some time before supper so I assume she's in town.

                    "Have a seat, Draco." My father demands.

          I do as he says and try my best to avoid eye contact. He rests on the side of his desk and breathes in deeply.

        "What were you doing out in Hogsmeade with Potter and his friends on Halloween night?"

         I scoff. "I wasn't out with Potter and his friends. I didn't know they were even there until the death eaters showed up."

                "Did Alexis know they were going to be there?"

            My throat tightens but I keep a blank face. "No."

                          His eyebrow raises. "No?"

          I shake my head, still look down at my fingers. His cane slams onto the wooden floor and I jump.

                     "Look at me, Draco!" He shouts.

                I look up and straighten my posture. "Sorry."

          The disgust that fills my father's face brings me back to when I was 12; That was when I first started to hate myself. Seeing his expressions now doesn't really do much to me but back then nothing would hurt me more.

            "The Dark Lord made a poor choice when he decided to make Severus' daughter a death eater," My father says under his breath. "All she is going to do is get you and this family into more trouble."

           Dozens of thoughts enter my mind and I contemplate speaking out loud but know it won't end well.

          When I don't reply, he continues. "You need to stay away from her."

              Without thinking I fly out of my chair. "Are you serious?!"

            My father steps closer to me and I remind myself where I'm standing. I hardly ever raise my voice when he's around but sometimes it slips out and my life flashes before my eyes.

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