Chapter 57

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Alexis' POV

                          "Now, where is Draco Malfoy?"

               "Why the fuck do you care?" I snap.

           The Dark Lord's expression changes from angry to surprised. Him and I have never really had many conversations which is odd considering I'm a death eater.

        Suddenly, Bellatrix's hand swings across my face, causing a burning sensation on my cheek.

                          "Don't play dumb, girl!" She shouts.

          The Dark Lord raises his hand, telling Bellatrix to back down.

            "Don't make this difficult." He sighs. "I know he told you where he went. If you tell me, I'll let you go."

             I'd rather know and not tell him. At least I'd be getting punished for protecting Draco. But not actually knowing where he is makes this worse.

                    "I don't know where he is." I mutter.

                              "You're lying!" Bellatrix screams.

            If it wasn't for The Dark Lord holding her back I swear she'd slit my throat. I guess she's still upset about the innocent at the manor.

          Every once in a while I try to escape the death eater's grasp but they don't budge.

            "She'll talk eventually," The Dark Lord says quietly to Bellatrix. "She's just trying to act tough because I killed her father."

       In that moment it feels as if he's placed his hand around my heart and squeezed with the goal of making it explode.

      It hurts for a second, but then for some reason the pain disappears into thin air.

                                 My sadness turns to anger.

       The words piling in my throat build up more and more. I try to force them down but instead they come out ten times harder than I wanted.

        "Did you kill my father because he was a spy for Dumbeldore?" I ask under my breath.

        The entire room goes silent. The Dark Lord turns around slowly and stares at me, confused.

                               "What did you say?" Bellatrix asks.

           "Or was it because he was helping Harry Potter all along?" I continue.

         When those words come out of my mouth I see the fear and shock take over Voldemort's body. His eyes widen and his mouth slightly falls open, he wants to respond but doesn't know how.

           The Dark Lord bends down to get close to me once again. Before he can reply I say,

                            "You're going to lose, Tom."

         A smile creeps up on my face uncontrollably. Seeing someone that thinks they're so powerful completely speechless is a beautiful thing.

             But immediately that beauty fades.

           "No, that's not why I killed him." The Dark Lord says while standing back upright and turning around. "I did it for fun."

         He starts walking towards the exit of the Room of Requirement and I wait for him to say something else but instead, he just nods his head at Bellatrix.

       "Make sure she's outside before dark," He says. "I want her to watch me kill Harry Potter."

        The door slams behind him and I look up at the two death eaters who are staring down at me like a piece of meat.

      I expect Bellatrix to be the one who hits first, but I'm wrong. She pulls up a chair from one of the piles of junk and takes a seat comfortably, then the two men throw me onto the ground.

                         "Well go on then!" Bellatrix shouts.

          Right as I'm about to stand, I feel a foot slam into my rib cage, causing me to scream in pain. The three of them laugh hysterically while I'm gasping for air.

                          "Worthless." One of the death eaters mumbles.

         Now that I have my hands I try to slip my wand from my pocket but the second death eater steps on my fingers, putting all of his weight down until they bleed.

           I feel tears starting to fill my eyes and as badly as I want to stay strong, part of me has already given up.

                           Bellatrix giggles. "Oh look, she's finally done fighting."

       The death eaters continue to kick my stomach and chest area until they see that I can no longer move. I stay completely still in hopes that they will just leave me here.

                  But they don't.

        One of the death eater's hands digs into my hair and pulls me upwards, right in the way of the other man. He glares at me for a long moment, then raises his fist in the air.

         I try to think of every person that could possibly get me out of this mess but each person that comes to mind is either dead, missing, or too distracted by the war.

       The death eater's hand comes flying at my face and slams directly into my nose. I feel blood splatter onto both of my cheeks.

        My eyes refuse to stay open any longer. I press them shut and can't help but cry out loud. I know they're laughing at me still but it's too much.

           When the second punch hits me I fall back onto the floor and pass out cold.

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