Chapter 30

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Alexis' POV

                                "This is your house?" Draco scoffs.

           Paige ignores him and continues towards the front door. Although it feels as if her and I are close friends I don't really know anything about her life. I've even tried to get her to open up in the past but she always changes the subject.

         Paige is waiting patiently at the door when we walk up. "You can hide out here until things quiet down."

                   "Thank you." I say with a smile.

         Draco scans the place suspiciously, then pulls me aside.

          "I've seen this place before. Your dad brought it up at one of the meetings."

           I look over at Paige who is acting the same as always. "You're just worked up, Draco. I'm sure everything is fine."

                He narrows his eyes at me for a long minute, then storms off in the direction of the other rooms.

                                  "Is everything alright?"

          I slightly jump when Paige rests her hand on my shoulder.

          "Yes, I apologize for his behavior. He has some trust issues."

            She nods but the expression on her face makes me think Draco isn't completely wrong for worrying.

Draco's POV

           Paige and I never really talked before Alexis and her became friends. We knew of each other and she was never mean like most which I always thought was strange.

              And I'm not lying, I have seen this house before. I only saw a photograph of the outside but Snape mentioned it at a meeting with The Dark Lord. I don't remember exactly because sometimes it's hard to pay attention, but he said something about a group.

       It's not very polite of me to go snooping around but if there's something in here that will give me answers, I'm going to find it.

            As I get to the top of the stairs I realize that this place is bigger than I thought. Each room looks pretty similar also which doesn't help in the slightest.

         There is one room though, that is drastically different; Paige's room.

         Without another thought I push the door open fully and enter. The other rooms in this house are very dark and outdated but Paige's looks just how I'd imagine every other teenage girl's room looks. Light blue floral wallpaper with navy bedding.

         I begin to wonder what Alexis' bedroom looks like. I've been in her dorm multiple times but those all look the same. Even with the lack of decorations she still manages to add her own touch to it. So I can't imagine how unique her room is at her house.

       Getting back to reality I continue to look around the room to try and find something out of the ordinary. My finger traces the spines of each book on the shelf. Once I get to the fourth shelf I start to notice a pattern with the titles of the books.

                  They all mention Animagi.

        I crouch down and start pulling each book off the shelf individually, flipping through the pages. Lots of highlighting and notes but that's not enough.

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