Chapter 13

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Draco's POV

"I dare you to kiss Malfoy."

Immediately, my head turns to Alexis. I expect to see her looking right back but she's staring at Currid. I can feel everyone's eyes on me but I'm not bothered. The only thing I'm focused on is her.

Then finally, she turns towards me. Her icy blue eyes connect with mine so effortlessly almost as if we've been looking at each other for days.

Alexis quickly looks down at my lips. I focus on the black makeup around her lids and add it to the list of reasons why I'm so intrigued by her. She's so angelic but at the same time looks like the devil. That may scare some and I know she likes it. It doesn't scare me, though.

All it does is make me want to kiss her. Every single chance I get. I haven't ever gotten a chance, but now I do.

The second her eyes meet back with mine I grab the side of her face and pull her into me. Our lips crash together and I swear I hear fireworks in my head. Her lips are so soft but I feel a cold shield around them. Almost like she hasn't ever been close with someone like we are now.

Part of me thinks she will pull away but the other part of me knows how deeply she craves a connection with someone like her.

Don't worry, Lex. I'm here.

I understand.

The longer our lips are together the warmer she gets. So as I slowly pull away and look at her once more, I see that the coolness in her has finally started to melt.

I move my hand away from her face and she pulls her hair over her ear. She lets out a heavy sigh while a smile forms on her face. Everyone is still staring at the two of us completely silent.

I clear my throat. "Alright, who's next?"

"Is everyone really just okay with this?" My head snaps in the direction of Potter.

My nostrils flare slightly as I clench my jaw. "Clearly you're the only one with a problem, Potter."

His eyes scan the group then he makes his way back to me.

"Malfoy, truth or dare?"

"This is ridiculous-"

Potter cuts me off instantly. "Truth or dare, Malfoy?"

I huff aggressively but decide to respond. "Truth."

He pretends to think for a moment. Everyone is still staying quiet, including Alexis.

"Is it true that you cursed Katie Bell?"

I feel a lump in my throat form. My hands grip into fists. Before I can answer someone interrupts.

"Harry, just drop it. Even if he did it he wouldn't tell us." Weasley sighs.

"Actually, let me ask Lex." Potter scoffs. "Was he really with you? Or are you just covering because you fancy him?"

My nails dig into the palm of my hand when he doesn't call her by her full name. I know he is her friend which means she won't lie.

Alexis' eyes narrow. "He was with me, Potter."    

The girls all stare at her shocked when she doesn't say his first name. Me on the other hand, I can't help but smile.

"Let's not ruin the night. Harry, let it go." Potter's girlfriend says sternly.

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