Chapter 6

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Song of the Chapter : Animal by Sir Chloe

Draco's POV

        Today is Friday, which means the first Quidditch game is tonight. I'm actually quite excited. I wasn't planning on playing this year but I know they'd lose without me.

          "Alright, find your seats!" Slughorn shouts while entering the room.

       Part of me wants to sit next to Alexis, but I don't. Not only has she been completely ignoring me for the past three days but I'm starting to get over trying to be her friend. Besides, Pansy actually shows interest in me.

       I take a seat at the back of the class and Parkinson joins. Alexis and Aubrey take a seat across from us. My body moves to look their way but I stop myself.

       "Welcome to Potions." Slughorn begins speaking. "I am excited to be teaching you all this year."

       "I heard we're going to be learning about love potions." Pansy whispers in my ear.

               I slide my chair further away from her and she pouts.

       "Does anyone know what the Amortentia potion is?"

     Granger raises her hand. "It's the most powerful love potion in the world, sir."

       All of the girls in the class look around at the boys. I feel Parkinson's eyes on me.

       "It smells different for each person based on what attracts them."

       My mind trails off and I start wondering what I would smell in that cauldron. If it's based on what you like, definitely green apples. Or maybe rain, I've always enjoyed the smell of rain on concrete. Maybe it would smell like vanilla...

        "Draco," Pansy kicks my foot under the table. "Answer my question."

     I rub my temples because I can feel a headache coming on. Pansy's hand on my arm makes my blood boil.

         "What was your question?" I hiss.

            "Can I wear your jersey to the game tonight?"

      I let out a laugh. "Bloody hell, I'll pass on that."

     Pansy crosses her arms and turns away angrily.

Alexis' POV

        "Get up for Merlin's sake!"

        I open my eyes and see Gabriella hovering over me. Right after Potions I went back to my dorm and fell asleep. I was planning on sleeping for just an hour or so.

              "What time is it?" I yawn.

       "Time for the Quidditch game, now get up!"

      My eyes widen and I hop out of bed immediately. The other girls are already gone.

                "Shit, I forgot to get a jersey from Theodore!"

       I dig through my dresser trying to find something decent to wear. Gabriella taps me on the shoulder softly.

             "Here, Abbie grabbed it from him earlier."

      She hands me a green tee with writing on the back. I let out a sigh of relief and quickly put it on along with my coat and scarf.

               "Can we go now?" Gabriella huffs.

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