Chapter 3

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Alexis' POV

     Once I find the correct dorm room I sneak in quietly, only to see that Gabriella, Luna, and Aubrey are all wide awake.

           "Finally, we were getting worried." Luna huffs.

       "I told you I was just going to get ready for tomorrow."

            Aubrey rolls her eyes. "More like talk with Malfoy..."

      I pretend to be clueless. Gabriella lets out a chuckle. "It's alright, we get it. He's quite charming."

     "It's not like that," I explain. "I'm not even supposed to talk to him. My father's orders."

       The three of them look at each other and giggle. I give up and find my bed, which is beside Gabriella's. I open my trunk and find the first pair of pajamas inside.

          "What's your first class tomorrow?" Aubrey asks me.

     I pull out the small piece of paper from my pocket. "Defense Against the Dark Arts."

        Luna laughs. "What's it going to be like having class with your dad?"

          I shrug my shoulders while snuggling up under the covers.


        I wake up early enough to eat breakfast with all of the girls. Gabriella, Luna, Aubrey, and I all get dressed and grab everything we need for class.

       "Doesn't look like there's room for all of us." Lisa walks up from behind.

              Paige joins as well. "We can just eat in the hallway."

       I nod while picking up an apple and some pumpkin juice. Once the other girls have grabbed their food they meet us outside of the great hall.

       I take a seat on the floor and rest my back against the wall. Anna and Alyssa sit on both sides of me and begin eating their morning snacks.

       Right as I'm about to take a bite into my apple I hear snickering.

                   "Look at this, Malfoy!" One boy shouts.

       The other boy laughs. "I think we've found the outcasts of Hogwarts this year."

     I raise my head slowly. The expression on my face clearly terrifies the two Slytherin boys because they take multiple steps back.

      Out of the corner of my eye I spot Draco Malfoy heading in our direction. The grin on his face grows the closer he gets. I watch as his mouth opens to say something, but then we make eye contact and he stays quiet.

          "Is there a problem?" I snap.

      Draco takes a deep breath and smiles. "Green apples are better."

      I stare down at the bright red fruit in my hand and when I look back up he's gone.

      All of the girls laugh hysterically. Alyssa nudges my arm and I turn her way.

                  "I think he likes you."

         Finally, I take a bite out of my apple. I ignore the girl's jokes because even if Draco Malfoy had a crush on me, I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. But I know he doesn't. He just is the type of boy to want what he can't have.

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