The beginning of the end

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Storminus looks out the window and sees the horror of the grim touching down. 

Storminus: Whirl get in the sky and hold them off. 

Whirl: They won't know what hit em. 

Eclipse: It's just like Iacon all over again. 

Storminus: We survived Iacon, we will survive this. Enigma are the new drones ready? 

Enigma: Do you really have to ask? I already made a couple hundred with my semblance I even managed to create an omega guardian. 

Storminus: Good work Enigma send them to the wall. 

Storminus walks to the exit. 

Ironwood: Where are you going? 

Storminus: To take care of Salem and her forces. Take care of the evacuations. I want all civilians gone. Ruby tell the world what they need to hear and ask for help. 

Storminus walks outside and sighs. 

Storminus: I can't do this. 

Voice: Yes you can. We all believe in you. 

Storminus closes his optics for a second and then opens them and he sees the original thirteen standing in front of him. 

Storminus: What are you all doing here? How are you here? 

Vector; The Nexus brought us here to bestow upon you the truth of the Nexus. 

Nexus Prime: You see I was asked by Primus himself to create the Nexus but there was always something strange about it. Shortly after I created it Primus gave it something I never had the chance to learn what it was but Alpha did. 

Alpha Trion: The thing as Nexus calls it was Primus's own abilities and emotions. When you died the Nexus chose you and it brought you back to life with an immortal spark. 

Primus: You were supposed to become Primus and safe Cybertron but instead Electric managed to fight through the reprogramming and made you. 

Storminus: What does that mean? 

Megatronus: You are Primus. 

Storminus: So I'm the god of light, the god of creation. 

Micronus: Now he gets it. 

Storminus; So what does that mean for all of this? 

Quintus; Well you are Salem's opposite which means you can kill her but your next move is all up to you. 

The thirteen primes disappear and Storminus looks down at his arms. 

Storminus: For them to live I might just have to sacrifice it all. 

Eclipse: If you think we're just going to sit here and let you kill yourself you would be dead wrong. 

Storminus turns around and finds his friends. 

Ruby: Yeah we're here for you Storminus. Jaune says If we fall we fall together. 

Storminus: I promise with every fiber in my body Salem will fall this day. 

Storminus Prime's battle mask goes over his mouth. 

Storminus: Now then let's roll out. 

The Autobots transform into their alt modes but before everyone can get they hear a voice. 

Coco: Got room for some more friends? 

Team CFVY, FNKI, ace ops, Penny, and Qrow stand there. 

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