A new journey begin

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In a forest outside of a town Nora and Ren are arguing about their team name. 

Nora: there are more members of Jnpr so Jnrr. 

Ren: but were helping Ruby with her mission so team Rnjr. 

Storminus: hey maybe you two should concentrate on the mission instead of a team name. 

Nora: wow Storminus I love your new look but what's up with the scar over your eye. 

So before I continue I would like to tell you how Storminus looks now I have changed designs for Eclipse Kix and Enigma as well but they will get their redesign in their chapters. 

Storminus is a darker blue then his original his pants no longer have the yellow stripe on the sides and are instead black and on his left knee he has the autobot badge of Whiplash on it Storminus now wears a black jacket with his dark blue shirt almost being hidden by the jacket if it wasn't for the autobot insignia and the lighting bolts coming out of the insignia's eyes. On the back of his jacket are Downshifts badge and Artfires broken badge on the back with the words never forget and on his right shoulder he has a new badge with his katanas going through a lighting bolt. Storminus head and face hasn't changed he still has blue hair with yellow highlights and just with a scar over his right eye it looks like Anakins from Star wars. 

Storminus: so I decided to put the scar that I got from Cinder and I thought I would honor my fallen friends by adding them to my look. 

Jaune: I think Rubies coming and Ren Jnrr sounds way cooler.

Ruby goes flying through the air with some sort of giant rock monster following her. 

Storminus: sweet Solus prime that things huge. 

Nora: are you scared Storminus? 

Storminus: please I've fought Bruticus I can handle rocks with a face. 

Storminus goes into robot mode and activates his rocket feet to catch Ruby. 

Storminus: going down Ruby. 

Ruby; yeah let's kill this thing. 

Storminus: alright and flies down to the ground below and drops Ruby onto the floor laughing. 

Juane: Storminus your big take this guy down. 

Storminus: hey Juane are you good with a gun? 

Juane: I never shot one before. 

Storminus throws him shrunken versions of his mini storms. 

Storminus: hold down the trigger to shoot and wait for it to recharge ok. 

Juane: ok and begins to fire at the Geist. 

Storminus runs at the Geist and jumps above its punch he puts his katanas down and runs with the katanas going along with him making cuts in the Geist arm. 

Storminus: oh wait their rocks that did nothing. 

Storminus slams his arms into the Geist shoulder breaking it off. Storminus uses his rocket feet to safely land on the ground wall the others take down its other arm. 

Storminus: hey big guy what do you think about that? 

The beast uses two giant trees to replace its arm and punches Storminus away causing him to break three trees. 

Storminus: ok that hurt but this will hurt more. 

Storminus transforms and begins to drive towards the beast once he reaches the clearing the back of his alt mode changes into two rockets giving him a boost. Storminus drives into the beast legs destroying it. Storminus transforms while Nora destroys its arms. The Geist flies out and tries to run away. 

Storminus: you can have this one Ruby. 

Ruby gets her scythe locked onto the Geist and fires getting a perfect headshot. 

Storminus: good shot Ruby let's head back into town. 

A couple minutes later Storminus, Juane, Nora, Ren, and Ruby are talking with the village chief. 

The chief: my people would not survive the long journey to mistral. 

Storminus: you can gather wood and stone to create walls to make this place at least a little bit safer. 

Chief: thank you and I will see what we can do. 

The five go to a blacksmith where the blacksmith has put a chest piece on a table. 

Juane: well I guess I was going to grow out of it anyway. 

Ren: so is progress. 

Storminus: it also means that with growth you get wiser. 

Juane turns around and Ruby begins to laugh Storminus also can't stop himself from laughing either. 

Storminus: I have never met any warrior that decided to use an emblem like that. 

Ruby: what is that why do you have a cute little bunny rabbit. 

Storminus: here you guys finish here i'm going to try and check in with the others. 

Ren: ok this shouldn't be long. 

Storminus walks outside and begins fiddling with a hologram keyboard. 

Storminus: Eclipse, Kix, Enigma do you guys read me. 

No answer. 

Storminus: well looks like my radio still is having problems without some sort of signal. 

Ruby: you coming Storminus? 

Storminus: yeah i'm coming. 

The five begin to walk to the next town with Storminus thinking to himself I hope I can keep these kids safe.

Authors note~  

Volume 4 has finally started everyone I hope you keep on reading this story and enjoying it but with that I have a announcement.

A new story it goes off the story of transformers prime but it has more character and I plan on making deaths hurt more like showing grief from everyone and showing the characters die

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A new story it goes off the story of transformers prime but it has more character and I plan on making deaths hurt more like showing grief from everyone and showing the characters die.

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