Taking a break

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Storminus, Ruby, Juane, and Qrow walk into Kuroyuri. 

Jaune: Oh man. 

Ruby: Come on. 

The three begin to walk while Qrow lies unconscious. 

Ruby: Any of these places look like a pharmacy? 

Storminus: Even if there was one it was probably looted a long time ago. 

Jaune: We should still look for it but honestly it's hard to tell. 

Ruby: Ren really didn't want to come here, did he? 

Jaune: Uh... didn't seem so. 

Storminus: Maybe this place has something to do with his past argh. 

Storminus falls onto his knee and goes into a human sized version of his robot mode. 

Ruby: Storminus?

Storminus: Im fine I just think I've just about hit my limit. 

Jaune: Do you have a way to check? 

Storminus: Yeah here I'll do that. 

Storminus battle mask along with visor go down covering his face. 

Storminus: Teletraan-4 system check. 

A female version of Teletraan-1 says Commencing system check. 

Teletraan-4: Energon levels at ten percent you have one hour before forced stasis. 

Ruby: Is that good or bad. 

Storminus: Well I've been given time we just need to find a place to rest so I can get a recharge in or use my energy transfer machine. The three continue to walk. They manage to find a place for Qrow and Storminus to rest at while Jaune and Ruby go out to find supplies. 

Nexus: You need to recharge. 

Storminus: I'm fine and besides I need to stay awake to keep them safe. 

Nexus: I will wake you when you are needed. 

Storminus: We both know you don't care about them.

Nexus: That is true but you care about them. 

Storminus takes out a machine and takes out a tube from the machine and inserts it into his chest. 

Storminus: Thank Primus this planet has solar energy. 

Ruby and Juane walk up Qrow and Storminus with Ruby checking on her Uncle. An ominous roaring can be heard in the distance. Jaune gets ready to take out his sword. 

Ruby: It's far off. 

Juane: I know, but Ren and Nora are still out there. 

Storminus: Their tough they can handle themselves. 

 Ruby gets up and walks over to Jaune. 

Ruby: I'm sorry. 

Jaune: Huh? 

Ruby: This is all my fault. I should have never dragged you guys into this. 

Jaune: You didn't drag us in. We wanted to come. 

Storminus: Ruby everyone has a choice in life. 

Ruby: But, you didn't know about Tyrian, about- 

Jaune: Ruby. We lost... We lost Pyrrha. You lost her, too. And Penny, and your team, and in a way... your sister. But you're still here, despite everything you've lost, and everything you could still lose, you chose to come out here. Because you felt like you could make a difference. You didn't drag us along. You gave us the courage to follow you. 

Jaune puts her hand on Ruby's shoulder and smiles.

Storminus: Will you two kiss already. 

Jaune and Ruby's faces go bright red. 

Ruby: Ah! What why would we kiss?! 

Storminus: Well hey after a speech like what Jaune just gave by the way great speech. I would get a kiss from Tracer. But I understand after all we were together for two million years before the war. 

Ruby: Man your old. 

Storminus: And somehow I can still kick both of your butts. 

Jaune: True but you dont understand human emotion. 

Storminus: True but my emotions are very similar to yours. 

Jaune: So now what do we do. 

Storminus: Would you guys like to hear how me and Tracer met. 

Ruby: Yes! 

Storminus: Of course you would. Alright so this was six million years ago I just go my job of being a racer and not going to lie later down the line I turned into someone who only cared about himself so it was my second race their was four other racers Eclipse, Tracer, and some other guy I don't remember his name. So right before the race Tracer told me. 

Tracer: Hey new guy if you get first place I'll take you out to Maccadams. 

Ruby: Maccadams? 

Storminus: It's one of the best bars in Iacon. So I asked her what happens if she wins. 

Tracer: Well then you have to take me instead. 

Storminus: So after that we got into our starting positions I was in between Eclipse and Tracer and when the race started I took off. I ran like my life depended on it. I dodged all the obstacles and when it came to the hole in the wall I jumped over Eclipse's head and transformed landing with my signature move, eclectic slide. 

Jaune: Wow what does it look like? 

Storminus: Oh it's me landing with a drift and sending some electricity out and then after that I sped for the finish line and got first place. After the celebration was over with I went to my pit crew that me and Eclipse shared he wasn't that happy about me stepping on his head but once Kix told us we were clear we all went to Maccadam's and had a good time and while we were there I don't know what it was but while I was their my spark felt like it was on fire and I was told that throughout the entire night my electricity kept on shocking Eclipse and Kix and that's when I knew Tracer was my spark mate we went on another date the next week turned out it was the same for her so I asked her to be my conjunx endura. 

Ruby: And what did she say?! 

Storminus: She said yes of course seriously who can not want all this. 

Ruby: Everyone Storminus. 

Storminus: Hey! 

The trees begin to russell. 

Storminus: Something is coming and i'm not ready yet. 

Jaune: How much energy do you have. 

Storminus: Thirty percent I might be good but I don't know. 

Ruby: Well if we're attacked you should stay in the back. 

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