Welcome to Haven

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Storminus, Qrow, Ruby, Nora, Ren and Juane are walking through a black tunnel with beautiful lights. 

Storminus: So why are we walking again? 

Qrow: I thought you kids would like to see the scenic route. 

Storminus: For the last time I'm not a kid! For Primus sake I am six million years old.

Nora: Hey Storminus, who's this Primus guy you say his name a lot? 

Storminus: Oh he's my kinds version of the god of life.

Ren: Do you have a god of death? 

Storminus: Well there's Unicron the chaos bringer but Eclipse knows about him then me. 

Ren: I see I will ask him about this Unicorn when we see him again. 

Storminus: I hope he's ok. 

Ruby: Says the one who almost died. 

Storminus: Hey! I wasn't the only one. 

Qrow: Hey! 

Jaune: So how much farther tell Haven? 

Qrow: Don't worry we're getting close. 

Qrow opens a large door with everyone walking onto a balcony where they see a large city with many levels. 

Ruby: This place is beautiful. 

A tear flows down Storminus face with it sliding down to the floor below. 

Ruby: Storminus what's wrong? 

Storminus: Nothing I'm fine. It just kinda reminds me of Iacon my home. 

Jaune: I bet it was as beautiful as this. 

Storminus: You kids should have seen it at night that's when the city came to life. It was covered in so many lights and as much as it hurt my optics when I got home I miss it everyday. 

Qrow: What happened to it? 

Storminus: War it destroyed the once beautiful city everything was gone for a time I thought we had nothing to fight for after it fell but Prime always found a way to give us hope then one time I found my universes version of this planet I swore to myself I would not let it fall but then it happened. 

Storminus begins to shake as he looks at the autobot insignia's. 

Ruby: What happened to them won't happen again because we are going to be here for you Storminus. 

Storminus smiles and says Thank you. 

The five leave the balcony and begin to walk to the academy. With Kix and Weiss on board their transport ship Weiss is talking with the pilot while Kix waits in the cargo bay. 

Kix: Hmm I wonder what's going on up there. Maybe Weiss just wants a break from here. I should try contacting someone. 

A microphone comes out of Kix's right side of his head and goes over his mouth. 

Kix: Let's see anything no still no signal well I guess I will just have to wait. 

A signal begins to buzz through Kix audio receptors. 

Transmission: Hello zzzt this is transport zzzzt we need help I repeat we need zzzt. 

The transmission cuts out. Kix gets up and walks into the cockpit. 

Kix: Did you hear that? 

Weiss: Yes we need to help them. 

Pilot: No we don't, someone else will find them and save them my ship isn't built for fighting. 

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