The semi finals

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So Storminus Yang Pyrrha Penny Sun along with two others. 

Port is saying something about the last two finalist will go on to the final round and that they have something special planned this year and the first fight is to be Yang Shao Long and Mercury Black. 

Storminus: hey Yang kick his ass will you oh and here as she gives her something to put on her eyes to make sure she can see no matter what. 

Yang: alright well do and thanks. 

Pyrrha: you need to watch your language around lots of people. 

Storminus: hey I can cuss if I want im old enough. 

Storminus walks to the girls and his team and says I gave Yang the lenses. 

Ruby: what are they are for. 

Storminus: to allow me to see through her eyes if anything happens they are made to connect straight to her so whatever she sees we will see. 

The battle starts it's a great fight with Yang and Mercury switching between getting the upper hand in the fight with Yang eventually winning but something happens she slowly walks over to Mercury Storminus can tell something is happening so he jumps down and uses his rocket feet to run faster and manages to tackle Yang before she can do anything to Mercury.

Storminus: Yang you need to calm down now please as he is holding her down. 

But it's no use Yang still sees Mercury but its Storminus who looks like and sounds like Mercury. 

Yang: get off and fires into Storminus stomach. 

Storminus: please stop arggg. 

Yang fires two more times and the third one was the one that really hurt Storminus and he falls off her Eclipse Enigma and Kix runs in to help Storminus wall atlas personal arrest Yang. 

Yang gets up and notices Storminus on the ground with what looks like a shotgun blast in his stomach she looks at her gauntlets and notices three of her cartridges are missing and says Storminus? 

Eclipse: stay the hell away from him! Eclipse stands between her and Storminus wall Kix and  Enigma grab Storminus and they leave so Kix can repair him. 

Yang is arrested and is taken to her room. 

Ruby Weiss Blake and Ironwood enter her room later on. 

Ironwood: you attacked two fellow students and you nearly killed one of them what do you have to say for yourself? 

Yang: when did Storminus get in the arena all I saw was Mercury. 

Storminus is rolled in with a wheelchair by Kix and says she saw Mercury on her, not me here watch as he brings up a screen and it shows what Yang saw with Mercury attacking her and on top of her. 

Ironwood: I will inform Ozpin and he walks out. 

Yang: i'm so sorry Storminus. 

Storminus: it wasn't your fault and don't worry, I'm still here you can't take me down that easily. 

Blake: how are you even alive when we saw what Yang did there was a big hole in your stomach. 

Storminus: the nexus it saved my life and Kix used his semblance he can make these little drones that can repair anything that isn't too fatal like let's say you get shot in the heart they can do anything but if your body is destroyed it can have you fixed in a day. 

Kix: although he is lucky his shirt has innermost energon covering it and then says Storminus that was the hardest I've ever had to work to save your life. 

Nora walks in and says look at your scrolls. 

Storminus takes out his holographic screen and it shows Ironwood on screen who says people of remnant you probably saw what transpired yesterday but there is some good news mr Drake will make a full recovery and we know why miss Shao Long wasn't seeing things right she was seeing something she saw this is what she saw as it plays on a screen. 

Mercury launches at Yang and then the next thing that shows up is Mercury on top of her with Yang saying get off of me and she fired once Ironwood skips that part. 

Elsewhere with Cinder and her team.

Emerald: you need to stop this. 

Cinder: I can't whatever that thing was, it's not in the system. 

Mercury: so now what do we do? 

Cinder: we do something more drastic. 

Back with Ironwood. 

Ironwood plays her noticing its Storminus and says she never saw what the real Mercury was doing or Drake for that matter so someone used their semblance to project this image in her head so everyone please calm down with all this going on the grimm have gotten more agitated and everyone is fine thank you and he walks of stage. 

After that everyone waits for the next day where the next match will happen but Turmoil has other plans he goes to Storminus and his team's door and puts a sign that says meet me outside from T. 

Storminus sees it and goes outside where he finds Turmoil. 

Storminus: what do you want?

Turmoil: I came to warn you something bad is going to happen tomorrow you need to watch your back and protect your friends. 

Storminus: why are you telling me this. 

Turmoil: the leader of this group is pure evil she might even be this world's version of Unicron. 

Storminus: how can I defeat her. 

Turmoil: it may be impossible so be ready for anything and tomorrow you may die by my hand. 

Storminus: well it could always be the other way around. 

Turmoil laughs and says not likely because next time I won't go easy on you like I did in front of everyone and he leaves. 

Storminus gets up out of his wheelchair and goes to the entrance of Ozpin's tower and puts plates on the ground making a perimeter around the entrance he then walks back in and goes to sleep he wakes up the next day and puts all of his weapons in his back and tells his team to have theirs as well.

Ok so real quick I decided to change my upload schedule with this being Friday and Sunday and if their is anyone from my red vs blue story here it will a mostly when I feel like uploading it.

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