One bot army

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One bot army in other words Ironhide or Grimlock they both fit the bill. 

Eclipse arrives at the top of the hill and transforms into his robot mode aiming his rifle at the large group of White Fang. 

Eclipse: I'm going to give you to the count of three to surrender. One... 

Three paladins aim their weapons at Eclipse. 

Eclipse: Ah scrap!! 

The paladins fire their rocket launchers sending Eclipse tumbling down the hill but he manages to move out of the way of some houses. Eclipse puts his hand down into the ground with him sliding to a stop with his foot barely touching the Belladonna house. 

Eclipse: Well that was close. 

The paladins come running down the hill full speed towards Eclipse. Eclipse knocks the building three times informing people inside to stay away from that side of the house. Eclipse grabs his longsword from his back and takes out three throwing knives. Eclipse charges at the three paladins and throws the knives into the left knee of the three paladins with him then jumping on the one in the middle and shooting the two on his sides. Eclipse shoves his blade through the chest of the last one. 

Eclipse: Blake you need to get everyone out of the house there's more incoming!! 

Blake: I'm kinda busy, Eclipse just holds them off!! 

Eclipse: Alright time to stop the time. Yeah you know what that sounded stupid I'm just going to fire instead of saying that. 

Eclipse fires three times at the top of the hill slowing the White Fang down but some did get through. Eclipse takes out his rifle and begins to fire with some of his bullets doing real damage and others just injuring some White Fang with the small explosion that happens when his bullets hit the ground. Several White Fang have made it down the hill with them charging at Eclipse with daggers. 

Eclipse: Alright I'm getting bored, let's have some fun. 

Eclipse shrinks to his human mode and puts all of his weapons away except for two throwing knives.

Eclipse: Shall I have this dance. 

Random female White Fang: Get him!! 

The White Fang charge at Eclipse with him running right back towards them. Eclipse jumps over the first two and lands on a third he then stabs the next two and takes the blades out throwing them behind him hitting the two members he jumped over right in the head killing them. A White Fang member jumps onto Eclipse and tackles him to the ground with him trying to bite Eclipse face off. Eclipse takes out his rifle and aims it at the White Fangs head. 

Eclipse: Bad boy!! 

Eclipse fires killing the dog faunus member. The time bubbles burst with the White Fang opening fire onto Eclipse even killing some members that were still alive down there. Eclipse runs behind a nearby house and checks out his wounds. 

Eclipse: Several shots in my right arm chest and great they got a cheeky hit into where my lung would be. 

Eclipse hears movement inside the house. Eclipse grabs the wall and rips it out with a family of Faunus running out. 

Father: Thank you so much oh my god you're bleeding!! 

Eclipse: Don't worry I will be fine but could you get some guards over here. There is far too many of them. 

Eclipse hears helicopter blades in the distance with the fire coming to a halt. 

Eclipse: Get out of here now!! 

The family runs as fast they can with Eclipse stepping into the open with him seeing Obsidian and ten white Fang members behind him heavily armed with mini guns chainsaws and two of them even have rocket launchers. 

Eclipse: All this for old me? 

Obsidian: I see you Autobots are still famous for your... sense of humor. 

Eclipse: Believe it or not but I'm actually one of the more serious bots. 

Obsidian: Kill this spawn of a glitch!! 

The White Fang begins to open fire but Eclipse begins to run the other way towards another house with him jumping onto the house and running on its wall and he jumps off as a White Fang member fires a rocket launching Eclipse towards them. Eclipse kicks a White Fang member in the head turning his head around killing the White Fang member. Eclipse takes out his rifle and fires twice with both bullets going through five members' heads. 

Eclipse: Just you and me Obsidian. 

Obsidian: No it's just me. 

Obsidian fires his rockets at Eclipse with all of them hitting him launching him into the hill. Eclipse chest is blown open and he is missing some of his face. Eclipse transforms into his robot mode and finds that none of the damage went to his robot mode. Eclipse takes out his sword and charges at Obsidian with him cutting off his arms and putting his blade right under Obsidian's head. 

Eclipse: Any last words you spawn of a glitch? 

Obsidian: You will never win Turmoil will make sure of that. 

Eclipse moves his blade away with him bringing it back to Obsidian's head cutting it clean off his shoulders. Eclipse puts his blade away and walks to the front with Blake just finishing a speech. 

Eclipse: Hey Blake I'm glad to see your ok. 

Blake: So how did you do? 

Eclipse: They retreated and I even killed a con but I think it's time to meet up with the others. 

Eclipse throws a grenade behind him with a groundbridge opening. 

Eclipse: You coming Blake? 

Blake: No not yet at least we will all meet you there. Right everyone? 

Faunus: Of course he protected us, now it's time for us to help him. 

Eclipse: You all honor me with your bravery now then it's time for me to reunite with my family. 

Eclipse walks into the groundbridge and he arrives in a backyard looking over a city. Eclipse turns around and sees Storminus, Enigma, Kable, Tracer, Beetle, Perceptor, and Whirl. Eclipse says Hey guys. Storminus Enigma and Kable get up and hug Eclipse clearly glad to see that he is ok. 

Eclipse: Alright I think it's time for you guys to catch me up on things. 

Twenty minutes of Storminus, Kable, and Enigma telling him what happened with Eclipse eyes wide and bright. 

Eclipse: All of that happened without me?! 

Tracer: Yes it did Eclipse but is good to see you again. 

Eclipse: Hey is the rest of the Autobots here. 

Beetle: No just us. 

Eclipse: Well I have some good news Blake and some friends are on their way to help us protect the school and I killed Obsidian. 

Storminus: That's great news without Obsidian Turmoil is outnumbered. 

Kable: Now then let me see if you need any repairs. 

Eclipse goes to his robot mode with innermost energon beginning to run down his body to the ground. 

Kable: Percy I think I will require your assistance with this job.

Percy: Very well, let's get started. 

Enigma: Hey Whirl have you seen any Wrecker look like that after a battle? 

Whirl: Yeah once I think it was Impactor that came back like that once but it could have been someone else.

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