Bandit trouble

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Yang and Enigma are heading to where that guy that was hitting on her wants to go. 

Enigma: Raven better be there or you won't have a good time kid. 

Shay: Don't worry we're almost there and she will be there. 

Yang: How much farther pal? 

Shay: This should do it.

Yang and Enigma stop. 

Shay: Alright you two stay here I will scout up ahead.

 Enigma steps out of his alt mode with it disappearing and Yang gets off her bike taking off her sunglasses, a glove and some extensions to her jacket. Shay and six bandits walk out of the woods all with at least one kind of weapon. Enigma takes out his shotgun to be ready. 

Shay: Now look here little lady after what you did to me. I think it's only fair that we take your bike and even take it for a spin. I might even take you out for a spin as well. 

Enigma: May I Yang? 

Yang: You can start this time. 

Enigma: Gladly. 

Shay: What?! 

Enigma runs forward and punches a bandit so hard that he is launched back into a tree. A bandit swings her sword at Enigmas back but it breaks on impact. 

Enigma: Sorry but that won't work on me but this will work on you. 

Enigma fires his shotgun destroying her aurora then grabs her by the arm and throws her into another girl knocking them both out. Yang jumps into action and quickly kicks a bandits ass. A bandit fires his rifle hitting Enigma in his head. 

Enigma: Huh that tickles. 

Yang runs at the bandit and fires at him with her gauntlet and her robotic arm. 

Enigma: Watch out she is well armed. 

Yang laughs but then composes herself to take out Shay in a very badass way by jumping over him and hitting him into another bandit. 

Enigma: Wow these guys are bandits I got into more trouble fighting puppies. 

Yang: Puppies? 

Enigma: Yeah once back on cybertron me Beetle and Firestorm went with a team to get a cybertronian ship. Turns out the planet it crashed on was inhabited by giant dogs. 

Yang: I bet that was cute. 

Enigma: Try being swallowed by one. 

Yang: Did you? You know what I don't want to know. 

Shay: Who are you? You know what it doesn't matter in the end Raven will take care of you. 

Enigma: You have about a minute to take us to your camp or I could just kill you. 

Shay: Fine we will take you there. 

Elsewhere with Storminus Oscar is fighting Ruby in hand to hand combat while Storminus waits to fight Ozpin. 

Jaune: Ruby is doing pretty good so far. 

Storminus: Yeah but she still can't hold her own in a fight without her weapon. 

Nora: What do you mean Stormy? 

Storminus: I mean she is doing this all wrong with her power; she can build speed which can also allow her to make her punches stronger and faster.  

Ren: I see what you are talking about but what about your power do you use it in that way? 

Storminus: Yes in fact I do I use it stun and shock my enemies I usually use it as sorta like a taser. 

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