A much needed talk

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Qrow has just finished telling the story of the maidens and Storminus is just trying to understand it. 

Qrow: Really? No questions? 

Jaune: Of course we have questions. This is just... a lot to take in. 

Qrow: Sure, of course. 

Ruby: So these... maidens... They're powerful fighters that don't need dust to use magic. 

Qrow: Yeah. 

Nora: And there are four of them? 

Qrow: Yup. Always. 

Ren: Which means that, whenever one of them dies, the power transfers to someone a female that they care about? 

Qrow: Whoever was in their thoughts last. Important distinction. 

Storminus: Like the person who killed them. 

Qrow: Yes if a young female murders them they could be given the powers next. 

Storminus: My kind has two relics like that where they are passed on their called the matrix of leadership and the nexus. 

Qrow: And what is this matrix and nexus. 

Jaune: That's not important, what is important is that you were trying to do that to Pyrrha. The night the tower fell. You were trying to turn her into one of them. 

Qrow: The previous Fall Maiden, Amber, had been attacked. She was young, inexperienced. And her assailant, who we now know as Cinder, somehow managed to steal some of her power, but not all of it. We were afraid that if we didn't do something the rest would go to her as well. 

Jaune: So you forced it on Pyrrha. 

Storminus: No Ozpin seemed like the man that would ask of things she would have done it willingly. 

Qrow: Exactly we didn't force anything. We explained the situation and gave her a choice, and she chose. You were there, you heard her. 

Jaune walks away from the group. 

Storminus: Ok Qrow sense you have told us these things I will tell you about the matrix and the nexus. 

Qrow: Alright i'm all ears. 

Qrow takes a sip out of his flask. 

Storminus: Eons ago long before the war two relics were created the matrix given to the first prime Prima the matrix would be passed down for many generations with it gaining and carrying the knowledge of the primes and as for the nexus my burden to bear. 

Ruby: Burden? 

Storminus: The reason why I say burden is because of its side effect for somewhat control of it. The absence of a spark. 

Nora: Wait didn't you same something like the spark being your soul. 

Storminus: Correct but in order for the nexus to bond it must take place of the spark but it only has a ten percent chance of working. Alpha Trion tried to save ten cybertronians before he had to save me. I would find out later on that the nexus needs to know its user is strong and that he will be needed for something larger than me. 

Qrow: So what's your saying is the nexus is like a lifeline. 

Storminus: Yes without it I would be dead for a very long time now. 

A glowing white light comes from Storminus' chest. 

Storminus: If you would excuse me. 

Storminus sits against a tree and goes into stasis. 

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