First day of class

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Storminus and his team enter a room where they sit next to team RWBY. 

Ruby: why do you guys have this class. 

Storminus: you will see. 

Miss Goodwitch enters through the training area and says hello class I have an announcement for this period you will have two teachers myself and Mr. Prime I shall be teaching the entire class about fighting in tournament combat wall Mr Prime teaches the three team leaders how to be a good leader. 

Storminus: and I will be teaching today's class as he jumps down to the arena. 

Glenda: yes and walks up the stairs to sit with the students. 

Storminus: first things first Ruby Juane and Cardin please come down here. 

The three of them get up and head down stairs. 

Storminus: please go and grab your armor and weapons from your lockers. 

They all head into the locker room and come out wearing their outfits and have their weapons. 

Storminus: now then teams watch your leader and I would like you to tell them what they could have done better now then attack me we will be doing a normal battle so please attack me. Cardin snaps his fingers and charges. 

Storminus rolls out of the way and says you need to try and surprise your enemy if you are to survive as he blocks Juanes attack with his katana. 

Storminus: exactly Juane good job but my suggestion is to make sure there is contact as he hits Juane. 

Juane: noted. Ruby fires two shots hitting him in his shoulders. 

Ruby: o my gosh I hit him did you guys see that. 

Storminus heads over to her and says good job Ruby and I'm sorry for what I have to do now as he picks her up and throws her at Cardin. Storminus takes out his sniper rifle and fires at all three of them taking out their auras. 

Storminus: good job students now who can tell me what Juane did wrong?

Pyrrha: he attacked you when you were expecting it. 

Storminus: correct good job Pyrrha now how about Cardin? 

Nora: he charged in head first. 

Storminus: correct now what did Ruby do right?

Yang: she shot you when she knew you would be unable to get out of the way. 

Storminus: and that's it for class today. 

They all leave the room and head to the cafeteria. Team RWBY JNPR and autobot are sitting together. 

Ruby: that was so cool that you taught me and Juane today. 

Storminus: thanks but turns out Ozpin didn't like the way I taught you guys so now i'm just a student again in that class. 

Yang: man that sucks I hope you can fight me one day though. 

Enigma: so he can kick your butt. 

Yang: what did you just say. 

Enigma: nothing and sips his drink. 

Ren: so how come is it you guys don't have an aura. 

Storminus: what do you mean.

Nora: he meant to say how come you still have bullet holes in your shoulders. 

Storminus: well huh you see here I will let Kix explain. 

Kix: you see we may look human and on the outside we are but we have metal bones metal lungs that work sparks instead of hearts and brain chips other than that pretty similar. 

Enigma: so were not fully human is what he means almost though. 

Nora: are you guys super strong. 

Storminus: together we can lift a plane and alone we can lift a car and throw other heavy stuff. 

Nora: proof it as she is in the arm wrestling position. 

Storminus: fine as he locks hands with hers. 

Yang: alright when I say go you start one, two three go. Nora is trying her hardest but isn't even moving Storminus arm at all. 

Storminus: alright time to finish this as he wins the arm wrestle. 

Cardin: you see I told you they were real as he is pulling on a bunny faunus ears. 

Pyrrha: I hate people like that. Storminus gets up without saying anything and walks over to Cardin and says let go of her Cardin. 

Cardin: oh what are you going to do stop me without your weapons your nothing. Storminus punches him with all of his power launching him into a wall and his team runs away and Storminus helps the girl of the floor and says are you ok. 

The girl: yes thank you my name is Velvet Scarlatina. 

Storminus: Storminus Storminus prime. 

Velvet: it's nice to meet you and goes to sit with some of her friends. 

Storminus walks back to his seat and says what is it. Everyone but Storminus team all have a surprised look on their face. 

Ruby: what was that how did you hit him into a wall. 

Storminus: oh I used my full power I hate bullies so let's hope he doesn't do any bullying again. 

Eclipse: little excessive though right. 

Storminus: well I could have killed him with my katana. 

Blake: he would have deserved it. 

Eclipse: again excessive.

Blake: come on he was hurting a fellow student. 

Nora: but dont we do that all the time. 

Kix: yes and no as he stops sparks from coming out of Storminus left shoulder. 

Enigma: oh here just got a report Goodwitch is taking us all on a field trip in two days. 

Yang: sweet we get out of class for a day. 

Enigma: maybe I can finally give my wheels a spin again huh guys. 

Kix: agreed but we will probably take a ship their. 

Juane: maybe let's just hope tomorrow isn't as hard as it was today. 

Storminus: oh sorry I forgot to say this sorry for hurting you Juane and you as well Ruby. 

Both of them: hey you were supposed to fight us and besides were fine. 

Ruby: and I'm sorry for causing such damage to you.

Storminus: hey this isn't the worst I had before anyway and he smiles.

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