First day of school

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Storminus: good morning guys looks like we only have one thing to do today and that is for me to talk to Ozpin. 

Kix: alright i'm going to go around the school and check any places that can be potential targets for an attack. 

Eclipse: I will go and stock up our fridge with food.

 Enigma: I'm going to figure out why we are suddenly able to eat human food and see if we can still eat energon. 

Storminus leaves the room with his school uniform on and heads to the cit tower. He walks in a couple minutes later and tells the receptionist that he is here to talk with Ozpin he goes up the elevator and is in his office. 

Ozpin: Mr Prime please sit down. 

Storminus: why do want to see me. 

Ozpin: you will only have a couple classes today you have the day off but tomorrow you will have  training with Glenda and your team you will help her along with your fellow students. 

Storminus: ok i understand we do need to learn about your world. 

Ozpin: you are a soldier all I ask is to know how old you are. 

Storminus: I am four million one thousand and five hundred years old. 

Ozpin: hmm I have never met someone as old as you. 

Storminus: I know you are older then you seem. 

Ozpin: what are you talking about. 

Storminus: your soul is in an old body but this is the newest body. 

Ozpin: you are correct let me explain I face a great evil named Salem she was once my love. 

Storminus: I had a love but I will never see her again but she will still be with me. 

Ozpin: how is that. 

Storminus: you see quantum engines choose both locations when there's two. 

Ozpin: well i'm sorry to hear that, well it's lunch time you should probably head over to the cafeteria. 

Storminus: thank you and leaves the room and walks to the cafeteria where he is met by his team and team RWBY. They walk inside and get inline to get some food they find a table and Storminus and his team are on one side and Rubies are on the other side of the table. 

Storminus: ok since I got here you have been giving us those looks especially you Weiss. 

Weiss: what look are you talking about. 

Kix: that we have questions and want answers look. 

Ruby: ok we want to know more about you guys. 

Storminus: ok how about we make a deal you all get one question we answer and then we ask you ours. 

Both teams: deal. 

Eclipse: ladies first we are gentle bots. 

Yang: so you guys single. 

Enigma: yes along with Eclipse and Kix. 

Storminus: no I have a conjunx endura or in other words married but it doesn't matter if she still has me anyway back in my universe. 

All of the girls start to tear up and say that's so sad

Yang: I'm sorry for asking. 

Storminus: its fine im fine ok just calm down. 

Ruby: ok so how old are you guys. 

Storminus: four billion one thousand and five hundred years old. 

Eclipse: four billion two thousand years old. 

Kix: four billion three thousand nine hundred years old. 

Enigma: four billion years old im the youngest. 

Weiss: hmm what type of skills do you guys have. 

Storminus: well i'm an ex racer in my free time I studied how to be an inventor I have built my weapons with the ability to go into my body and I have many years of skill with a blade. 

Kix: I have every degree a doctor can get for us. 

Enigma: I'm an engineer and a weapons engineer I have spent most of my time studying everything mechanical. 

Eclipse: I can sneak anywhere without being noticed and I decided to spend my time learning about the past and I have mastered all of the ways to use a knife. 

Blake: why weren't any of you in class today. 

Storminus: we have a pass for the day and being at least a million years old. 

Ruby: ok your turn guys as she smiles. 

Enigma: have any of you met someone like us. 

Ruby: no we haven't. 

Kix: what about experience in the field of medicine. 

Girls: no we don't Kix. 

Eclipse: what are your special abilities. 

Ruby: well when I run really fast I become rose pellets. 

Yang: when I get angry I get super strength. 

Weiss: what my family calls glyphs. 

Blake: I can make decoys. 

Storminus: ok my question are any of you hiding something from us. 

Girls: no and then the bell rings and they head to their rooms. 

Eclipse: Storminus why did you ask them that question. 

Storminus: come on you know I build my relationships on trust. 

Kix: yes we know but that was still a little much don't you think. 

Enigma: hey guys you guys ready for movie night.

Storminus: yes here Enigma gets the movie ready I will ask the others if they want to join us. 

Storminus walks over to team JNPRs room and knocks on the door. 

Nora answers the door and says oh hey Storminus what's up. 

Storminus: oh we were just wondering if you guys wanted to watch a movie with us in our room. 

Juane: you have a tv. 

Storminus: just go over to our room and you will see what we have. 

Storminus then heads to team RWBY's room and knocks on the door. 

Ruby answers and says oh hey Storminus whats up. 

Storminus: me and the guys are going to watch a movie I believe it's star wars and we wondered if you wanted to come and see and a course you and your team can come. 

Yang: what is star wars. 

Storminus: here come on and watch. 

Both teams walk into the room and sit down to watch star wars Eclipse hands out popcorn and Kix hands out punch they start to watch the movie and everyone loved it but by the time it was over everybody went to their rooms and beds and went to sleep.

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