The fight of our lives

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Turmoil: Storminus do you really think that your friends will be of any use to you. 

Storminus turns around and sees the kids in pain along with the Autobots. 

Storminus: Kids who can fight? 

Ruby and Yang stand up and walk over to Storminus. 

Yang: I'm ready to fight. 

Storminus: Alright we will hold them off girls you get the humans I will get the cons. 

Ruby: Alright let's do this. 

Storminus puts his battle mask on and runs for the cons and Hazel. Storminus is about to strike at Turmoil but Turmoil moves his cannon in the way taking the hit for him. Storminus uses the hit to propel himself forward and kicks Hazel in his face. 

Turmoil: Good play Storminus but you do realize that you in human size allows us to squeeze you. 

Turmoil pulls out the katanas and grows to normal size. Turmoil swings his fist down towards Storminus but he misses allowing Storminus to jump onto his arm and run up to his face with him changing to normal size uppercutting Turmoil. Storminus shrinks and does the come at me taunt. 

Cinder: Enough of this let's get the relic. 

Cinder, Vernal, and Raven take an elevator down to get the relic. 

Storminus: Yang go after them me and Ruby got this!! 

Hazel takes this chance to grab Storminus by his head and slams Storminus head into Hazel's knee damaging Storminus Prime's mask. 

Yang: Are you sure? 

Storminus: Yeah these guys are nothing. 

Hazel: So you want to see something then see this. 

Hazel takes out two pieces of yellow dust and puts it into his arms. 

Deadlock: What is this human doing?

Geargrinder: I have no idea. 

Hazel fires a large wave at electricity at Storminus with it pushing him back a little bit. Hazel moves his arms down smiling. 

Storminus: Thanks for the charge, I needed that. 

Hazel: What? 

Turmoil: You fool he has the power to control electricity!! 

Storminus: Kids take care of him. 

Nora and Ren jump over Storminus and attack Hazel. 

Deadlock: Die you worthless brat! 

Deadlock aims his blaster at Nora but when he goes to fire it explodes in his hand. 

Eclipse: I will take care of Deadlock. 

Geargrinder: Forget this I'm getting out of here. 

Kable runs at Geargrinder and hits him in his face. 

Kable: Your not going anywhere Decepticon punk. 

Storminus: Wait what about Weiss? 

Kable: Jaune's got her. 

Suddenly some explosions go off outside. 

Storminus: Enigma Beetle Whirl go outside and take care of our animal problem! 

Whirl: You can call me the exterminator. 

Whirl Beetle and Enigma run outside and begin to fight the white fang. Storminus runs at Turmoil and kicks him in the head. 

Turmoil: You can't win this fight Storminus. 

Storminus: Are you sure about that? 

Turmoil: She is too powerful even for you. Just like us you will bend to her will. 

Turmoil grabs Storminus by his throat and raises him up. 

Storminus moves his katana and cuts off Turmoil's arm. Storminus drops to the floor and quickly shoves his katanas into Turmoil's chest. 

Storminus: Any last words Turmoil? 

Turmoil: Thank you for freeing me. 

Storminus takes his katanas out but as he does Turmoil's body doesn't turn dull without color it turns to dust. Eclipse cuts off Deadlock's head and Kable shoots Gearshredder in the head and the same thing happens to them. Suddenly the door opens with Blake running inside. Hazel charges at her but he is stabbed in the chest with a glowing stinger. 

Weiss: Surprise! 

The beetle throws Hazel away like nothing. The elevator rises but only Yang arrives on the top floor with her holding a relic. 

Emerald: No you didn't you couldn't. 

Emerald falls onto her knees screaming with an illusion of Salem appearing and it charges at our heroes. 

Storminus: Is everyone ok? 

Ruby: Yeah we're fine but what was that? 

Oscar: That was Salem and I will explain everything when we are alone. 

Storminus: So where is that traitor Leo. 

Qrow: Right here I managed to cuff him while everyone was fighting. 

Storminus: Good we can put him into a cell and question him but for now we should head to the house and bury the dead. 

Ruby: Yeah it would be good to rest a little. 

Nora: You're telling me my body is still arguing from what Storminus did to me. 

Storminus: Sorry and Weiss sorry for trying to kill you that goo just messed with my emotions. Weiss says It wasn't your fault but please try not to kill me again. 

Storminus: Don't worry I won't. 

The group leaves the school with the Autobots transforming Jaune and Ruby ride inside of Storminus. 

Jaune: Hey Storminus what did you see that made you so mad? 

Storminus: I saw Ruby, Yang, and Weiss kill the team I was in charge of on earth. 

Ruby: Who gave them the worst death?

Storminus: It was Weiss she froze Whiplash and then shattered him. 

Ruby: Storminus are you going to be ok. 

Storminus: Yeah I just need a couple of days then I should be back to normal.

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