A new approach

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Storminus wakes up on some sort of transport with Eclipse, Kable, Whirl, and Beetle. 

Eclipse: Hey where are we going?! 

Guard: That is need to know and you don't need to know. 

Whirl: Need to know my ass tell us where we're going before I kill you. 

Storminus: Whirl stand down. 

Whirl: What I'm only kidding. 

Kable: I hope the others are okay. 

Beetle: What like these guys can defeat them? I've seen what their drones can do and before they can fight us they are going to need my brother to check them out. 

Enigma: Who knows maybe if they're nice I might improve their drones for them. 

The ship lands with the Autobots being pulled out of the ship and the bots follow behind the kids and Qrow. 

Storminus: Just stay calm Autobots I'm sure this will have a happy ending. 

Whirl: It better if they know what's good for them. 

The Autobots and the kids are put onto an elevator. 

Storminus: So can you tell us where we're going now? 

Nora: Yeah and can you take these off?! 

Guard: No and be patient you will seeing the general soon. 

Ruby: Well at least we get to speak with the general. 

Yang: Yeah but we might also be arrested. 

Whirl: Wouldn't be the first time. 

Everyone looks at with with a confused look. 

Whirl: What? I have my own life outside the army. 

The elevator door opens with the group being taken to some stairs leading to a room when Ironwood, Winter, and Penny walk in front of them. 

Penny: Your here! 

Winter turns around with Weiss walking in front of the group. 

Weiss: Winter? 

Winter: You have ten seconds to take those off them. 

The two guards get to work taking off their cuffs with them being terrified of Winter. 

Storminus: Thanks I was about to break those off right now but hey you guys get to keep your tools. 

Ironwood: Come we have much to discuss. 

Everyone enters Ironwood's office and Storminus step forward. The Autobots can tell that he is angry. 

Storminus: You are one of the worst leaders I have ever met. 

Ironwood: Excuse me?! 

Storminus: Let me finish. You are the worst leader when it comes to making sure your people are safe. 

Winter: I will have you know that everyone in the city of Atlas is perfectly safe. 

Storminus: Oh yeah I can tell you know because it's a flying city of course it's safe. On the other hand Mantle has seen better days of what I've seen and the fact that I didn't see that many people in the streets going out having fun I can tell it isn't a great place to live. 

Ironwood: There has been a curfew because of the grimm attacks. 

Storminus says: know maybe those wouldn't be happening if you decided to upgrade your stupid robots along with a massive upgrade to your security system new firewalls and all that stuff. 

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