Life after the fall

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I really couldn't think of a title for this chapter.

Kix pov. 

I hate it here this place is filled with creepy statues and I can tell something is wrong with this family. But at least I got time to change my look no matter how small it is. Kix has added a red line onto the right side of his chest on his back is a red cross and on his right shoulder he has his autobot symbol but he did change his hair he decided to make his hair red at the bottom and then have white hair move up making a rough area where there is white and red together.

Kix: well then I should check on Weiss. 

Kix walks by a piano and sees Weiss and Whitley talking. 

Kix: what does this piece of scrap want. 

Kix walks towards them. 

Whitley: ah if it isn't your new butler. 

Kix: for the last time kid i'm a medic not a butler. 

Whitley: how rude for someone who's been living here since the fall. 

Kix: i'm here to keep her safe not because I want to be around a piece of slag like you. 

Whitley: I have no idea what you just said but I don't like it. 

Weiss: just go please Whitley. 

Whitley: fine and walks away from them. 

Kix: your welcome for the safe ice queen. 

Weiss: you shouldn't have done that. 

Kix: why shouldn't I? 

Weiss: because Whitley could make you leave by telling my father about what you did. 

Kix: I have been through hell that man doesn't scare me. 

Weiss: well that makes one of us and she enters the study. 

Storminus pov. 

Nora, Ren, Juane and Ruby and walking together while Storminus stays in the back to think. 

Why would Turmoil work with Cinder and what does he have to gain could he be trying to take over this world. No Turmoil would never work with organics I've seen what he's done to organics he turns them into fuel and makes them become his slaves. Storminus hears the map fall to the ground he looks at the others and sees them running. Storminus picks the map up and runs after them he arrives and finds them checking on a huntsmen. 

Storminus: how he is? 

Ren: it's not good. 

Storminus: Ruby, I'm sorry but I have to do this. 

Storminus takes out one of his mini storms and begins to aim it at the huntsman's head. 

Juane starts to grab Storminus arm to try and stop him. 

Juane: what are you doing? 

Storminus: im giving this man a fast death it's called a mercy killing. 

Ruby: but we can still save him. 

Storminus throws Juane away from him and puts his gun away. 

Storminus: it's too late and for the record even if Kix was here he would have done the same thing. 

Juane: here we should just go. 

Kix pov. 

Kix waits for Weiss outside ready to break the door down to help her if need be. 

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