Defending vale

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Storminus gets up along with the others and says well we're surrounded.

Ruby: that's an understatement.

Enigma: I think it's quite fair really.

The snake comes out of the tunnel.

Enigma: I take that back.

Storminus: reinforcements should be on their way just hold them off as he punches a ursa back and takes out his sniper and shoots its head off.

Yang: hey Storminus how about some music.

Storminus: oh I got something perfect for this as two speakers come out from his back and hit the ground.

Storminus: here's one of my favorites as he plays thunderstruck and charges into battle he takes out his katanas and is taking out grim after grim.

Enigma takes out his shotgun and shoots his arm machine guns out and they changes into turrets.

Eclipse is throwing what looks like thousands of knives.

Kix is in the middle of the fight firing his pistol in one hand and stabbing with his sword and the girls are fighting in all of their own styles.

Storminus: we won't last much longer as a ursa bites into his arm and throws him around like a dog's chew toy and throws him to the others.

Kix: Storminus dont worry im coming but the grimm overwhelm him and the last thing that can be seen is his hand going down into the horde of grimm around his body.

Eclipse: Ruby go and get someone to help us or we won't last much longer.

Juane and his team arrive and Juane says form a perimeter around them.

Pyrrha: where's Kix.

Storminus: ah he's over there and he pops his arm back in.

Nora: did you just fix your own arm?

Storminus: yeah and don't worry I will take care of this because if there's one thing that makes me mad it's getting hurt to those creatures as he flies up a little bit and throws his arms into the ground and electrocutes lots of grimm around him so much that they pop and black blood goes everywhere.

Coco and her team come in and destroy what's left of the grimm but there's still one problem. Storminus puts his weapons away and says well that's all of them but a loud crash can be heard as the 2nd head of the snake comes out and eats Storminus up whole.

Everyone points their weapons at it.

Eclipse: just wait for it everybody.

They all see movement in the mouth as it starts to go up it opens and revels Storminus In his bot mode who then says ok you know what thats it I've had enough of this as he moves his feet up and arms down and breaks its jaw clean off and says well then if anyone needs me i'm going to take a shower.

Later on in a hideout .Cinder is with four guys.

Cinder: are you ready.

A guy: the decepticons are always ready for battle.

Authors note~ 

Hello everyone I have a new schedule for this story The protectors of remment will be updated every Friday and maybe on Sundays if I have time.

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