The dance

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Storminus: so how do I look as he is wearing a blue tux with a yellow tie and a yellow under shirt with a flower on his chest that looks like the autobot insignia.

Kix: you all look great trust me I thought I was the only one that could look good in a tux.

Eclipse and Enigma exit their bedroom and they are wearing the same as Storminus.

Storminus: so you guys got a date.

Kix: no I wanted to ask Weiss but I think she already got a date.

Enigma: Yang asked me to the dance.

Eclipse: lots of girls asked me but I said no what about you Storminus.

Storminus: no I don't but lots of girls asked me to.

The bots leave the room and Storminus sees Ruby leaving her room and says here you guys wait for us there.

Eclipse: alright we won't enter without you buddy.

Storminus walks over to Ruby and says so uh i'm sorry for barging in wall you guys were changing into your pajamas.

Ruby: don't worry about it we weren't naked or anything we were still wearing our regular clothes wall you were coming in Yang was the only one with her clothes off.

Storminus blushes and says I am so dead.

Ruby: don't worry she forgave you if you didn't close the door then she would have killed you.

Storminus: well shall we go madam.

Ruby laughs and says yeah let's go.

They walk over and Ruby says to the bots man you guys clean up nice.

Enigma: yeah your one to talk.

Kix: tell you the truth it's quite similar to what you usually wear.

Ruby: hey it's different from my usual.

Storminus: yeah it made her taller.

Ruby: hey thats a low blow.

They enter and Yang says wow are all of you here for my sister and you look great Ruby.

Enigma: why do you say that you asked me to the dance and I'm a bot of my word.

Yang: fine oh and Storminus you're playing the last song of the night oh and you better knock from now on Storminus.

Storminus: understood with a scared look on his face.

Eclipse: what in the name of the allspark did you do.

Storminus: I walked in wall they were about to change Yang was changing though.

Enigma: well your dead.

Storminus: gee thanks as the four of them go to a punch bowl.

Enigma: here you go guys as he gives them empty cups.

Enigma puts something on the bottom and then engex appears in them.

Storminus: thank primus we get to drink wall were here at least.

A couple minutes later everyone is dancing with someone all except for three their names Ruby Juane and Storminus hanging by the punch bowl.

Storminus: you two didn't have a date.

Jaune: Weiss was taken so I didn't get to ask.

Ruby: no she's not she came alone.

Jaune: Ruby hold my punch as he leaves Ruby takes a sip of punch from his cup.

Storminus: you humans are weird and finishes his drink and says well might as well try some punch.

Ruby: what were you drinking before.

Storminus: Engex the good stuff to bad he said we can only get ten cups that's as much that was in these small teleporters.

Ruby: well I guess we wait here for your song then.

Storminus: hey Ruby may have this dance they go out onto the dance floor and slow dance.

Ruby: sorry im kinda new to this as she steps on his foot.

Storminus: eh i'm kinda rusty haven't danced in two million years fighting a war takes all your time from some quality time with your wife.

Ruby: yeah I forgot you were married as she face palms.

Storminus: hey what's going on why is everyone laughing as he sees Jaune in a dress and both him and Ruby burst out laughing and they do their dance scene and Ruby and Storminus walk outside for some fresh air.

Ruby: hey Storminus what's that over there.

Storminus turns on his night vision and he sees a woman running across the roofs of buildings.

Storminus: we should follow as he transforms into his car mode and opens up a door and says get in.

Ruby: wait won't she see you with your navy blue paint job and yellow.

Storminus: your right as he goes full black and they drive to the cit tower they see the guards and check on them.

Storminus: don't worry Ruby these guys are ok.

Ruby: whoever the mystery lady is she went up.

Storminus: well then let's go as they hop in the elevator with their weapons drawn.

They exit the elevator and Storminus sees a chess piece on the computers for a second. The girl throws glass at Ruby and Storminus but Storminus shoots them out of the air with his mini storms. The girl takes out a bow and fires but she misses all of her shots. Storminus charges in ready to strike but misses because of her blocking with her bow. They all turn and see Ironwood coming out of the elevator and the girl is gone. 

The two of them leave and head back to the dance where it looks like everyone was waiting for Storminus who goes to the dj booth and uses his finger as a aux cord and picks the song harder better faster stronger and the students and even the teachers love it and once the song ends

Everyone: play another song.

Storminus: this is one of my favorites as the song wake me up comes on and everyone loves it as well. 

Storminus accidentally starts to get out his extra stereos but he puts them back in. The dance ends as the bots are walking home and Team RWBY catches up with them.

Ruby: man you guys got some cool music.

Blake: yeah those songs had some great beats.

Yang: I wanna punch stuff to your music.

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