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One day before our heroes leave their house and board the train. 

Weiss: So why are we leaving again? 

Qrow: Well we don't have the spring maiden to lock the artifact back up. So we have to take it to Atlas sense it is the most secure kingdom standing. 

Storminus: You know I could put it in my chest. 

Ozpin: Mr Prime we have no idea what affect the artifact could have with your artifact they could destroy each other or kill you. 

Storminus: Well without the nexus I'm dead so I would be dead either way. 

Storminus reaches for his chest and breaths heavily. 

Qrow: You are still hurting Storminus? 

Storminus: Yeah it's gotten better I don't know what that black goo did but I don't like it. 

Ozpin: Miss Valkyrie can you please bring Kable here? 

Nora: Sure thing Ozpin. 

Storminus: No I'm fine I swear. 

Storminus puts his hand at his side. 

Storminus: See I'm perfectly fine. 

Qrow: Maybe we should wait just tell Storminus is okay. 

Ozpin: If it helps we will stay for two days but after that we must be leaving. 

Weiss: Why are you in such a hurry? 

Ozpin: I need to ensure the artifacts' protection.

 Meanwhile in the present Storminus is away from the kids with Eclipse, and Beetle checking if any grimm are going after them.

Eclipse: I think we're clear for now.

Beetle: It looks like we don't have any problems for a while.

Storminus: Alright let's head back to the others. 

The three Autobots transform and drive a little bit but they lose control due to the snow. Storminus flips over, Eclipse is upside down, and Beetle is in a tree somehow. 

Storminus: Ok looks like we're walking. 

The Autobots transform and walk to the others but as they walk Storminus begins to feel chest pain again and slows down. Eclipse and Beetle run over to Storminus and check on him. 

Eclipse: Are you ok Storminus? 

Storminus: Yeah I'm fine It doesn't hurt. 

Beetle: It clearly does come on, we're almost there then you can rest. 

Storminus: That sounds good. 

The three Autobots walk over to the group and Storminus sits against a tree. Storminus coughs into his arm and coughs up some innermost energon he quickly wipes it into the tree. Suddenly Storminus hears the girls arguing with Ozpin and then they see them point their weapons at Qrow. Storminus gets up and walks over to them and puts his arm on Yang's shoulder. 

Storminus: Yang what's going on?

Yang: Ozpin isn't telling us something. 

Storminus: I'm sure he has his reasons. 

Oscar: Jinn say her name! 

Ruby: Jinn. 

A genie like woman appears out of the artifact and she is wearing very little clothing around her uh parts so the guys in the group don't look at her at first. 

Jinn: Hello my name is Jinn the knowledge barrier and lucky for you I can still answer- 

Oscar: Stop!! 

Jinn: Two questions this era good to see you too old man. 

Storminus: So you know Ozpin? 

Jinn: Yes I do Storminus Prime by the way may I suggest seeing a doctor for your heart problem. 

Ruby: Storminus what is she talking about you told us it was chest pain? 

Storminus: I will explain later how about we ask this blue lady- 

Jinn: My name is Jinn. 

Storminus: Sorry about forgetting your name. How about we ask Jinn a question. 

Eclipse: And don't ask about Storminus I'm sure he will tell us about his injury. 

Storminus: I will I swear you know I don't keep secrets.

Beetle: What about when you and Tracer started dating? 

Storminus: Hey you guys didn't know for two days it didn't really matter. 

Blake: Quit let Ruby think of a question. 

Ruby: What is Ozpin hiding from us? 

Ozpin: Noooooo!!!!! 

Ozpin runs at Ruby but everyone appears in a white area alone except for the Autobots who are together for some reason. 

Eclipse: Where are we? 

Jinn: You are in the artifact and will be shown what I am showing the others but I wish to ask a question about you three. 

Beetle : Ok shoot. 

Jinn: First show me your true selves. 

The three Autobots transform into his robot modes. 

Storminus: So what do you want to ask? 

Jinn: What are you? 

Storminus: My name is Storminus Prime this is Eclipse and Beetle. We are sentient robotic beings from the planet Cybertron. We are soldiers that were fighting in a war for a long time. Jinn says Yes four million is a very long war. 

Eclipse: How did you know that? 

Jinn: I went into your minds and may I saw the black and orange one is thinking well I won't be going back into his mind. 

Storminus: I don't want to know what he's thinking. 

Beetle: Come on she's hot. 

Jinn: But due to the nature of Storminus I will allow him to ask me one question don't worry you get your own question that doesn't count for my last question to be asked. 

Storminus: I understand but the only thing I want to know. What's happening to me? 

Jinn snaps her finger with a projection of Nexus's Nexi. (How the hell do you spell Nexus but plural?) 

One of the nexus is complete and the other seems to be damaged with cuts being indented into the nexus. 

Jinn: What I have gathered is that the Nexus was damaged in some way and I am afraid that these cuts will get bigger and deeper and over time it will kill you Storminus. 

Storminus: So I'm dying I guess but do you know when I might die? 

Jinn: I'm sorry I can't see into the future. 

Eclipse: Storminus what are we going to do? 

Storminus: We don't tell the girls for now we will when we are safe. 

Jinn: Well then it is time for me to show you the story of Ozpin. 

Suddenly Storminus is alone and sees a woman in front of a mirror fixing her hair. 

Jinn: This is Salem before she became who she is today. 

Authors question~

Hello everyone I was just wondering do you all want me to write the story of Salem and Ozpin because I won't make changes to that and the Autobots wont be speaking while Jinn is speaking and I kinda want to skip it so I can get past this part of the volume.

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