The bot and the locust

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Kix and Weiss are waiting in the cargo bay when Weiss decides to go up and see what's up with all of the maneuvers. 

Kix: Somethings not right. Good thing the last thing I did was upgrade my blasters sure bots would rather keep their regular mags easy reload but when it comes to style the revolver is the best choice. 

Kix takes out two white and red revolvers and he loads them ready for anything. 

The ship suddenly changes like it just dodged something. 

Kix: Well it seems like we have incoming. 

Weiss climbs down a ladder and finds Kix ready for a fight. 

Kix: What's going on out there? 

Weiss: We have a swarm of lancers coming for us.

Kix: And what are those? 

Weiss: There are like giant bugs. 

Kix: Oh like the Insecticons don't worry I can handle them. 

Weiss: Get the bay doors ready to open! 

Pilot: On it! 

Kix: Alright bugs the doctor is in! 

Weiss: What was that? 

Kix: What you don't like it? 

Weiss: No it's fine just why? 

Kix: Eh I was just trying to sound cool. 

The door opens with a bunch of lancers flying in front of the door.

Kix: Well then good thing I brought my tools. 

Kix points his revolvers out at the lancers and fires taking out two of them. 

Weiss: Kix do you have magnetic feet? 

Kix: Yeah why do you ask? 

Weiss: No reason. But do you have a grappling hook as well. 

Kix: Yeah it came with my old vehicle mode on cybertron. 

Weiss: Good and I'm sorry for this. 

Kix: For what? Wait no please don't! 

Weiss pushes Kix out of the ship with the lancers looking down and then back at Weiss. 

Lancer(translation): Well that was dark. 

Suddenly a hook goes through the Lancers body with Kix using it to get on top of the ship. 

Kix: After we kill these things I am having a talk with you! 

Weiss: Again I'm sorry. 

Kix begins to fire all around with most of the Lancer going after him. A hook flies through the air towards the ship but Kix catches it. 

Kix: I think you lost this. 

Kix begins to twirl the Lancer around hitting others until he hears a snap and hook turns to dust. 

Kix: Sorry about that! 

Two hooks fly into Kix's back. 

Kix: Aaahhhh!! That hurt! 

Kix turns his pistols around and blind fires the two Lancers.

Kix: Alright no more Mr nice bot. 

Kix transforms into his robot mode and now his bullets are so big that they destroy the grimm. 

Pilot: Hey big robot guy watch out I'm about to try something. 

Kix looks behind him and sees the ship heading for a bridge between two islands.

Kix: You go under I go over! 

Pilot: Copy that! 

The ship heads below while Kix jumps above and fires into the ground with it starting to crumble. Kix jumps off the bridge and lands on the ship with a thud. 

Kix: I bet that looked even more badass then how it felt. 

Weiss: Well it definitely looked cool but I can do better. 

Weiss fires three fireballs into the cliff and manages to take out the last of the Lancers with the boulders. 

Kix: That's cheating and you know it. 

Weiss: I still killed them. 

Suddenly a very large Lancer flies into Kix and begins to fly with him riding it. 

Kix: Get me off this ride! 

Weiss: Kix kill it trust me! 

Kix: But won't it disappear! 

Weiss: Just do it! 

The wasp fires her stinger hitting the ship. 

Kix: Fine! Kix takes out his arm blade and chops the Lancers head off. 

Kix: Looks like I just got ahead in life. 

Suddenly a big hand grabs Kix and throws him towards the ship. 

Kix: Ssssscccccrrrrrraaaapppp!!!! 

Weiss makes one of her glyphs and catches Kix. 

Kix: Well that was terrifying! 

Pilot: Brace for impact. 

Weiss begins to slow down the ship's descent. 

Kix: Weiss! 

Kix jumps in front of Weiss the next thing Kix and Weiss knew they were on the ground with three bandits standing in front of them. 

Bandit: Uh boss I think this one is still alive. 

Kix is currently impelled with him missing his right arm and part of his face revealing the inner workings. 

Raven: What is this another one of Ironwood's creations? 

Kix's optics turn on with him spooking Raven and her two bandits. 

Kix: Who are you people and where in the name of Primus is my arm and why is there a sharp object in my stomach? 

Raven: How are you alive?! 

Kix: Oh my medical drones by any chance can me and my friend Weiss stay at your village? 

Raven: Uh sure... But I'm afraid you're going to be my prisoner. 

A bandit uses the bunt of his shotgun and hits Kix on the head knocking him out.

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