First day on the job

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Storminus is laying down in his bunk at three thirty reading something. Eclipse hops out of bed and looks at Storminus. 

Eclipse: What book are you on? 

Storminus: Number three. 

Eclipse: You know the series never got finished after number six? 

Storminus: I know but it has taken me four million years to read this one book and I thought I should finish it. 

Ruby walks in with a air horn excited but then is saddened when she see's that everyone is already awake. 

Ruby: Ahhh I wanted to prank you guys. 

Storminus: When you're in the military you have to wake up first. 

Clover walks into the room. 

Clover: Excuse me I came to get you Storminus. Ruby you are needed as well. 

Strominus closes his hologram book with it disappearing and Storminus jumps off of his bunk. 

Storminus: Alright let's go. 

Clover, Ruby, and Storminus leave the bunks and walk to an armored truck where Penny and Qrow are waiting for them. 

Clover: Girls why don't you take the front seat? It's going to be a long ride. 

Ruby: Okay come on Penny we can finally catch up. 

Storminus climbs into the van and sits against the front seat taking out his book. Back in Mantle the Autobots minus Enigma are working on fixing the wall. 

Beetle: Pass me the cyber spanner. 

Whirl hands Beetle a wrench. 

Beetle: I said the cyber spanner! 

Whirl: What the frag is a cyber spanner?! 

Beetle: The weird looking one! 

Eclipse throws Beetle the cyber spanner. 

Beetle: Thank you! 

Eclipse: Your welcome.

 Yang and Blake walk up to the working Autobots. 

Beetle: Kable can you wield this together? 

Kable: Sure thing. 

Kable takes out his welder and welds some bricks together. 

Yang: Wow I didn't know you guys were good at building.

Beetle: My bro taught me some things about fixing stuff. 

Kable: I'm a medic. I have thousands of tools built in for both repairs and building. 

Whirl: They made me help.

Blake: Have you heard anything from Enigma? 

Eclipse: Yeah he told us he already started building the prototype for the new drones. 

Yang: Already wow he is fast. 

Beetle: My brother is a work alcoholic when it comes to building and designing things. 

Meanwhile in amity arena Enigma is chugging his twentieth cup of coffee and doing some programming on a computer and watching a movie at the same time and the other scientists are just watching in amazement. 

Scientists: How?! 

Enigma: Because I can. 

Back with the Autobots they finish fixing the wall and head back to the academy to rest. With Storminus he finishes the third novel and looks outside the window to see snow. Storminus walks to the back of the fan and takes out a hologram of Atlas systems and begins improving them. 

Storminus: I have to hand it to your government Clover. They know how to program but you need an Autobot touch. 

Clover: What does that mean exactly? 

Storminus: You will see. 

Storminus gets to work upgrading the drones' fire by twenty percent their speed by two percent and just adding more firewalls to the atlas system. 

Storminus: Your drones processing power sucked and their fire rate was horrible luckily with the upgrades to the system I made. They should be better and don't worry mantle's system is already getting fixed it will just take a couple of days for all of my upgrades to load. 

Clover: Will these upgrades cause any problems? 

Storminus: No just some upgrades so no hackers can get in and control the city with the flick of the wrist. 

Suddenly the van stops and Storminus takes out his mini storms ready for anything. 

Clover: Ruby, Qrow, and I will check it out you two stay in here. 

Qrow: Come on Ruby let's see what's going on. 

Ruby, Qrow, and Clover leave the van and talk to a woman and a sheep faunus lady. Storminus looks behind them and turns on infrared vision and see's two women with some sort of weapon behind them. Storminus opens the doors and walks outside transforming into his robot mode. 

Storminus: Come out before I make you! 

The two women uncloak and look afraid. 

Storminus: Now was that so hard? 

Robyn: What the hell is that?! 

Storminus: I am none of your business now move or I move you out of our way! 

Robyn: I am not moving until I am told what that thing is. 

Storminus: I am a new prototype sorta like Penny but I am twice her size and ready to destroy any grimm now please move. 

Robyn: Fine open the gate, we're done here. 

Storminus transforms into his alt mode and drives behind the van. The group arrives at Amity arena and Storminus can tell that Clover is angry. 

Clover: What was that? 

Storminus: They had us flanked if they decided to attack we would have been dead. 

Clover: She is trying to become a councilwomen she wouldn't dare attack an Atlas convoy. 

Qrow: Well he is a veteran maybe he knew what he was doing. 

Clover: He clearly didn't have all the information he needed. 

Storminus: The last time I went in blind and there was an ambush you know what happened people died. Lots of people died. If I knew the information that you decided to tell me what you told me after I got rid of her then maybe I would have stayed hidden for you! 

Qrow: Alright drop it the both of you! 

Storminus storms off and then uses his rocket feet to fly up to amity arena to help Enigma with anything. 

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