All aboard

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It's been two full weeks since the attack on the school. The Autobots and the kids are currently at a train station waiting for their train. The Autobots have decided to walk around giving the kids some time alone. 

Beetle: When was the last time we were on a train? 

Eclipse: Probably early days of the war. 

Kable: You mean the time when I got to still be a doctor. 

Enigma: Please you were a medic for two billion years before the war started. 

Whirl: Man I am so happy I get to be with you guys. Seriously you're better than the voices in my head. 

Storminus: Alright the train should be arriving soon let's head to the kids and lets pretend we never heard Whirl say that. 

Autobots: Okay.

The autobots walk down some stairs and walk over to the kids but stop behind two men. 

Man: You know if you ladies want some extra protection we can always watch your car extra carefully. 

The Autobots begin to laugh. The two men turn around and look angry. 

Man: Hey what you laughing at?! 

Storminus: You of course seriously you both look like you could barely protect a rabbit.

Man 2: Hey were huntsmen and we are in charge of guarding this train and besides at least we have weapons. 

The Autobots take out their weapons. 

Whirl: How's this for weapons? 

The two men run off scared. 

Whirl: Wusses. 

Ruby: Hey you guys ready to go on a train. 

Nora: Hey have you guys even been on a train before? 

Ren: Why would they need trains? If they can change into vehicles. 

Enigma: Oh there's a very reasonable explanation for that we get lazy. 

Storminus: Yeah pretty much but we haven't rode a train in like four million years. 

Blake walks up to the group. 

Beetle: Alright let's board this train so I can get some sleep. 

The group enters the train with them going to different rooms. The Autobots get the larger room that has six bunks for them. 

Storminus: Alright you guys relax while you can.

Beetle sits on one of the beds and starts to take a stasis nap. Enigma kicks his brother. 

Enigma: Help me with our stuff. 

Beetle: Your a big bot, you can handle it yourself. 

Kable: I will help you old friend. 

Eclipse walks over to the window and takes out a small book and a pencil and begins to draw the station. Whirl walks over to Eclipse. 

Whirl: What you doing? 

Eclipse: Drawing Blake got me back into it. 

Whirl: I didn't know you drew. 

Eclipse: I did it during breaks from racing. 

Storminus sits on a bed and begins to mess around with some electricity. Suddenly the train shakes. 

Storminus: Well looks like we're under attack. 

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