Snow job

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The Autobots enter a briefing room where the ace ops, Qrow, and the kids are waiting for them. Clover: You're late. 

Storminus: Sorry about that wow first time I've ever been late for a briefing. 

Beetle: We had to get my little brother. 

Enigma : Well good news I settled on a design for both the drones and the satellite. 

Kable: Don't know why it took you so long to decide the new drone you just copied the Autotrooper design. 

Enigma: I made some changes. 

Yang: I have a feeling this happens a lot. 

Storminus: Mostly when Enigma reuses designs or accidentally forces us to travel to a different universe. 

Enigma: It was a prototype for Primus sake! 

Clover: Ahem! 

Storminus: Oh right go ahead with the briefing. 

Clover: Alright team for our first mission together we are to track down and eliminate a gheist, a very old one at that. 

Ruby: And what makes it so special? 

Clover: The gheist made its way into an abandoned mine and we need to make our way into that mine to destroy it and secure the building sight for the satellite. I'm afraid the Autobots have a different objective. 

Storminus: Alright what's our objective? 

Clover: We have gotten reports of large robot like beings nearby. We don't know what its purpose is but you will need to take care of it. 

Storminus: Alright Enigma keep on working on your inventions everyone else with me. 

The Autobots head to their room and gear up changing their bodies adding armor that looks like a mix of medieval knight armor and their cybertronian bodies. The five Autobots board a manta that takes off heading for the snowy plains next to the abandoned mine. 

Pilot: This is as far as we can go! 

Storminus: Don't worry we will get to our objective. 

Storminus opens the doors to the manta with the Autobots jumping out transforming in mid air. The Autobots drive and fly in Whirl's case heading towards their target locations. The Autobots arrive where they see's vehicons but something is strange about them; they almost look like grimm. The Autobots transform into their robot mode but they keep their weapons holstered. 

Storminus: Hey cons where's your boss? 

Shockwave steps out from the crowd of vehicons. 

Beetle: Hey look Whirl it's your twin! 

Whirl: Hey not cool. 

Eclipse: Whirl's right Shockwave isn't as ugly as Whirl. 

Whirl: Get fragged you guys. 

Storminus: Quit keep your optics on them but don't take out your weapons unless we are engaged. 

Shockwave: There is no need for that Prime these worthless hybrids won't stand a chance against you and your Autobots. 

Storminus: You certainly would. I see you got a armor upgrade from the last time I saw you. 

Shockwave: Yes I managed to scavenge what I could from Turmoil and his team to upgrade my armor and to make some worthy soldiers of my intellect it was only logical. 

Storminus: You and your logic it's nice to see you haven't changed since the last time we fought. 

Shockwave: Yes I seem to have a problem with changing the way I act. May I ask you to test my new creations? 

Eclipse: You sure shocky looks like you worked hard on them? 

Shockwave: I did at first but after making the first vehicon I came to understand the science of these creatures called the grim the hardest part was getting pay for Swindle to give me all of the weaponry he can provide. 

Kable: You haven't heard about what happens when you deal with Swindle? 

Shockwave: Yes I heard about what happens when he sells weaponry but he fears me and he made sure to give me all of his weaponry in perfect condition. 

Storminus: Alright enough talking I will test them out for you but after that you leave. 

Shockwave: That is the most logical solution. 

Storminus takes out his katanas ready to attack the vehicons. 

Shockwave: Vehicon one two and three attack him the rest shall leave with me after the battle. 

Three vehicons aim their guns at Storminus. Storminus runs at the three cons with them managing to get a view shot off with one or two hitting Storminus. Storminus reaches the cons and shoves one through a cons head Storminus without even looking throws his other katana into the chest of another con. The last con looks scared and is shaking in fear. Storminus walks over to the con he threw his katana into and rips it out of the cons chest. 

Storminus: Well at least you gave the cons emotions Shocky. 

The vehicon fires his blaster with the blaster bolt hitting Storminus Prime's right arm. Storminus aims his katana at the con with a large bolt of electricity coming out of the blade hitting the con killing it instantly. 

Shockwave: Thank you Storminus I see that my creations can hold their own. I will leave with my creations. 

Storminus: Alright come on Autobots let's head back to the others! 

The Autobots transform into their alt modes and head for the mine. The Autobots arrive to find everyone outside. 

Storminus: How was your day? 

Ruby: Great the ace ops are so cool, maybe even cooler than you. 

Storminus: Please nothing is cooler than us. 

Kable: I'm picking up a grim heartbeat in the mine. 

Storminus: We will take care of it. Don't leave without us. 

Clover: No need we can clean up on a later date. The general is caught up in a meeting. It will be a while until he arrives. 

Storminus: You heard him, let's get some rest while we wait. 

Whirl: Nah I'm going to go hunting. 

Clover: Well then if you want there is still some grim out there in the snow. 

Whirl: Alright I will find them and kill them for you. 

Beetle: I'm going with I don't want to be bored here so let's go hunting! 

Whirl: Hell yeah we kill grimm we kill grimm! 

The two Autobots head off into the snow chanting we kill grimm. 

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