A unwanted surprise

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Everyone wakes up the next morning with Ruby having to wake up Qrow. Everyone walks outside and gets the trailer attached. 

Eclipse: You know we can probably drive in this snow. 

Storminus: Yeah looks like it at least. 

Ruby walks over to the well. 

Storminus: Hey Ruby what are you doing? 

Ruby is about to drop the relic but she pulls her arm back but she drops it when she sees something. 

Storminus: Ruby what in the name of Primus did you do?! 

Ruby: I saw something and it was an accident.

 Yang: We have the trailer, we should just leave it here. 

Eclipse: The whole reason that we are here is because of that relic. 

Weiss: Exactly we should just leave it here and go. 

Beetle: I agree with the kids that thing has brought us some trouble but we need to keep that thing from that witch lady. 

Storminus: Her name is Salem Beetle. 

Beetle: You know I only remember the names of evil guys that are an actual threat to me. 

Strorminus: Alright here we will go down there and get it together Qrow Oscar get that trailer off of the bike we won't need it. 

Oscar: Don't worry by the time you get back up here we will be ready to go.

Storminus: Alright let's go.

 Storminus, Beetle, Eclipse, and team RWBY jump down into the water well. 

Storminus: Alright you four go north the three of us will go south meet up back here call us if you find us or scream that works. 

Ruby: Okay good luck. 

Storminus, Beetle, and Eclipse begin to walk in the muddy and dirty water until they find a skeleton. 

Beetle: Hey this guy looks recent. 

Storminus gets on one knee and inspects the corpse. 

Storminus: There is a little blood still on the ribs. 

Suddenly the bots get heavy and fall into the muddy water. 

Eclipse: What in the name of sweet Solus Prime is happening to us? 

Beetle: I feel like my body is as heavy as two titans. 

Suddenly some creepy skeletal grimm walk up to the three Autobots. 

Storminus: Hello creepy how are you doing? 

The grimm hisses at Storminus. The grimm reaches its long arm down towards Eclipse. Some electricity bounces off of Storminus and enters the grimm through its eyes killing it. 

Storminus: Alright let's get the hell out of here. 

The three Autobots get up and run towards the well entrance where they see the girls running towards them. 

Storminus: Beetle set this place to blow!

Maria jumps down but as she does the grimm stun them again with everyone falling to their knees. 

Storminus: Beetle please tell me you got the bomb set? 

Beetle: Yeah just need to set the timer. 

Ruby: Come on we have to go! 

The grimm surrounds our heroes forcing our heroes to lay down in the water. The grimm reaches down towards Storminus with another reaching for Blake. 

Ruby: No! 

A bright light emits from Ruby's eyes with her stunning the grimm for a second but our heroes still can't move. 

Storminus: Well at least you tried Ruby. 

Maria: Quite Ruby listen to me. 

Maria grabs Ruby's head. 

Maria: Ruby I need you to think about the people that love and care for you and I want to hold on to that feeling and then use it. 

An even brighter light emits from Ruby's eyes and pushes the grimm back allowing the Autobots to get up and throw the girls out of the well. 

Beetle: Were set for ten seconds let's go! 

The Autobots jump out of the well and transform. 

Storminus: Get in! 

Ruby and Oscar get in Storminus, Qrow and Maria get in Eclipse, and Blake and Weiss get in Eclipse. The bot along with Yang go full speed out of the ranch with a large explosion engulfing the ranch. 

Storminus: Well that was close. 

Ruby: Yeah it was close. 

Storminus: Here let me contact the others. 

Storminus tries to call the others but his comms are fried. 

Storminus: Well looks like I only get to hear you two for a while. 

Ruby: So Storminus, what are you going to do when we reach Argus? 

Storminus: Well I'm going to tell the others maybe take a look around and just get some rest. 

Oscar: That doesn't sound like a bad idea. 

Storminus suddenly slows down and pulls over. 

Ruby: Storminus are you ok?! 

Storminus: Yeah I'm fine just some chest pain. Hey Oscar can you look under the hood? 

Oscar gets out and opens the hood revealing the Nexus. After a couple of minutes Oscar puts the hood down and gets in Storminus. 

Storminus: So how do I look? 

Oscar: There are no new scratches or cracks I think it was just some pain. 

Storminus goes full speed to catch up with the others and he finds them waiting for him on a ridge looking over Argus.

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