Ch-33:Her Story

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*this is from Rose's POV and she is narrating it*

When you guys left, we were a mess. Or specifically, mom was. My child brain always kept on hoping for you guys to come back.
And when dad and Cole started visiting, I actually started hoping again. But when dad stopped coming and so did Cole, I started to stop having hope again.
But after mom died, my whole world fell.
I was adopted by my foster father, and for the time I was nine, he gave me love and care, But when I turned ten, everything changed. I went from his little his little...slut. Yeah. You heard it right. He started hitting me ad making me do all the chores. Until the age of eleven, I thought it was all my fault somehow, but then I realised it wasn't. And then he took innocence from me. Yeah. he raped me. Then for the next seven years till before I came here, everything went downhill till age 14.I lost my friends, they were everyone I loved and cared for. But when I turned 15, I got into the mafia.  I became the leader after only a few weeks,that's how easily I picked up at the gang. And now well, here I am.
I hope you guys liked this chapter
love ya all tysm for 8K+ reads
sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes x

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