Ch-29: my past life

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"The first time dad didn't come to meet me and mom and neither did Cole, my little kid mind was so sad, I went home crying. I always hoped you would come back, but you never did, none of you did. I grew up but then mom died, and I was never the same again. I got adopted , and I thought it would be for the good. I grew up too fast, when everyone of my age was worried about not getting the latest toy, I was worried about not getting chores done." I stop here and look at everyone listening to my story intensely.
I see my mom starting to get teary and my dad with a guilty and sad look on his face. And as for my so called brothers; well, they all have stone cold expressions on. Typical.
I take another deep breath and start again.
"I know you might be thinking why, it was because..." I trail away and look at mom. She nods at me encouragingly and I nod back.
"Because I was abused. He adopted me and foolish me thought he would give me my family back, give me back the love I have been missing out on, but no." I let out a bitter chuckle here.
"He made me his slave, he used to beat me and burn me and do things to torture me in case I didn't do any chores good enough or his food wasn't cooked or something like that. But when I hit puberty he...he started to...harass me,sexually. He started raping me everyday and my then child mind still knew what he was doing was wrong, but I could never speak up for it. I tried so many times to tell someone or to ask for help, but nothing ever worked. He either always found out or no one believed me. Ever since my first beating from...him, every day, every holiday, every moment my only wish was for my brothers; the ones who left me, to come back. My immature mind always thought one day you would but one day, when something just suddenly clicked in me that you guys weren't coming back, that was it for me. I stopped caring about all the things I cared about, I gave up on all of them. I became just...numb. I fell into heavy depression, I didn't care about what he did to me anymore, either. Then I joined the gang. I trained hard to become and feel stronger and more confident in myself. I grew up as a person, physically, mentally and even emotionally. I trained heavily and finally became the leader. I ruled our high school; not as the cliche queen bee but as the girl who isn't afraid to fight anyone brutally. Of course,he always found out about my fights and he would brutally punish me too, but I couldn't find it anywhere in me to care. A few nights after a really brutal beating saying he won't be there for my birthday, there was a knock at our door. It was the police. He had died in an accident. And you know the rest." I look at everyone. My parents have tears in their eyes, and the boys looked at me with the same empty expressions, just pity filled eyes. I roll my eyes.
"Stop with the pity eyes,I don't want it." They clench their jaw at that.
"Your birthday,hun. It's tomorrow..." my dad starts and I see all my brothers' eyes turn towards him in a flash. Why do they act like they even care?
"I don't celebrate it, and I NEVER will."
"Why?" Alex asks. I clench my jaw at him.
"None of your business. I am heading off to bed. Mom, dad, I would love to spend more time with you both, but I have things to sort out, and places I need to be. I love you guys." I say and get up. I hug them both and give them kisses on the cheek and head upto my bedroom.
You might be thinking, how are you so calm about all this? Truth is, I am not. I am freaking out inside but I have learned : do not let your mask fall, especially not in front of family.
I head into my room and reach into my suitcase and take out a photo frame.
"24th November,2017." Tomorrow. (A/N:Random dates and year sorry)
It's a picture of me and my best friend, Susan Valder.
"Hey Su, I miss you. I wish you didn't...(**T/W:mentions of suicide**)
kill yourself."
And that's when the tears fall. Again.
sorry for the short chapter x
sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes <3
hope you guys liked this chapter x
much love ,


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