Ch-8:Back to them

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An hour into watching Thirteen Reasons why, a knock sounds at my front door.
Weird. He never knocks. He either enters or bangs on the door.
Whatever. I turn off the Netflix and open the door. To my shock, I don't see him but I see a female and a male police officer? Is he in jail? Again?
"How may I help you?" I ask them, being the polite girl I have always been taught to be.
"Are you Rose Lukes?" the female officer asks. Well duh if you came looking for me of course it's me. I mentally roll my eyes.
"Yes I am." I simply say. Both the officers give me a look of...pity? The heck?
"Sorry to inform you Ms. Lukes but your father, Jordan Lukes, got into an accident and he unfortunately...he didn't make it." she says.
I freeze. Shocked.Dumbfounded. He's...dead?
"Please come in and have a seat." I randomly say to them and they come in and sit down on one of the many sofas.
"So will I be going back to the foster care system?" I ask them, smiling a little on the inside. He's gone. I am finally free.
"Um no we tracked your brothers and the oldest of them, Elijah I think was his name, has already adopted you." Forget what I said about being free.
I just nod and tell them that I am gonna go upstairs and pack.
I have to go back to them.
Cole will be there, atleast that's a plus point.
But I hate the others.
They abandoned mom and I. For someone who they haven't even known for a full month.
And that just hurts and makes me fume in anger.
I angrily shove all my clothes and other stuff in the suitcase. I take my mom's old phone and my new one and carefully place them in the backpack that I always carry with me whenever I go out along with my airpods and other electronics. I take a last look at the room that was mine. I sigh.
I have to go back to them.
Back to the people who made me a target for bullying.
The people who hurt me beyond repair.
The people who broke our family.
The people who abandoned us.
After all this, it's back to square one.
Back to them.
Hope you guys liked this chapter .
Sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes.
And yes I know the chapters are short but after she meets her brothers in the next chapter, the chapters will get longer.


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