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I go back inside and shout at the top of my lungs: "EVERYONE IN THE MAIN LOUNGE ROOM FOR A MEETING NOW!"
Everyone rushes downstairs and I bring the meeting into order.
I motion them to quiet down and they immediately do. Everyone knows I am in power here.
Then I take out the box I found in my car.
Everyone audibly gasps.
"Okay Listen Up people! The Daggershot gang has sent us a threat. A ragdoll of me fully covered in real blood. This is war. We have people in three warehouses whereas they only have one. Pack your stuff and get ready. We end them. Today. Got it?!" Everyone murmurs a yes or nods their heads.  "Away you all go!" Everyone goes away to pack or to get ready, even my inner circle. I head to our weaponry and see many people there. I clasp some knives onto my belt and hide two of them inside my boots where I can easily access them. I take two extra guns and a rifle.I then change into some black jeans and a black T- shirt. After 15 minutes of waiting, everyone is ready to go. We all get on our vehicles and I zoom ahead. They all slow down with me as we reach the warehouse. I get down from my bike and so do the others.
I peek around the corner of the wall we parked behind and see that there's a hella lot of guards. Like a lot.
Scared, are we? I motion for Madie and Marvin to take them out. After putting a silencer on their guns,they swiftly take them out. I realize that the house is actually pretty big so I tell everyone to go around it and inside. Whereas for me, I will make my way through the front door.
I ring the doorbell of the house and lean back into the shadows, putting a silencer on my gun ready to shoot.
A guy opens the door. Just as his eyes turn wide when he sees his fellow gang members, I shoot him spot on the head. That was easy.
I then slowly push the door a bit more and grin at the sight. My other gang members are already in and have everything in control. I see all the  people of the rival gang either tied up, passed out or dead. And in between, with hands and feet tied, stands the leader of The Daggershot Gang. I never bothered to know his name. I still don't. I nod to my members to finish things off. They shoot everyone except the leader. I slowly walk towards him and take out my gun.
"No..." he trails off, as if remembering something.
I lean awfully close to him and whisper in his ear, "Lights out, bud." And shoot him. This gang was nothing.
"Let's go guys." I tell everyone as we all head back. Everyone goes straight to their room. I clean all the blood off of myself, hug my best friends and head back.
Today was quite eventful, if I do say so myself.
Sorry I haven't posted much my exams are right around the corner :/
sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes ♡


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