Ch-21:The truth

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Silence falls as Alex says that.
"Alex what the fu-" Cole starts but I silence him.
"He's right. He doesn't even know what I have been through but he's right. Who would want a damaged and abandoned child like me right?" I spit out, tears streaming down my face. This place really be cutting a lot of onions, huh?
"What have you even been through, huh?" Alex asks.
"Alex-" Elijah starts but I cut him off.
"I have been abandoned by my brothers for someone who killed mum and almost killed me multiple times."
"Lia-" Cole cuts Alex off.
"I saw her do it. So did mom and dad."
"You are joking, right?" Lucas asks. Cole just shakes his head.
"I have proof." Cole says as he takes out his phone and shows them a video.
"Oh my god."
"Guys wanna know what happened after?" I ask as I give them a dry, cold chuckle.
"Mum died. Her boyfriend started abusing me. Sexually assaulting me. He even raped me. All I had were my mom and my pictures and some of Cole's on mom's old phone. Nothing more. I clung onto them, not knowing where I was or why. Every birthday and every holiday, my only wish was to meet you guys but no, it didn't happen until the day I was finally about to run away. It took so long for us to reunite, but it was so short for you guys to just leave us. But it's gonna take even longer now for me to even trust or love you guys again. And Uncle Jax."I chuckle, the cold emotionless chuckle, and continue.
"He was the first person to rape me." I look directly at Alex as I say this.
"So why would anyone want me, right? I am broken and a bitch. Might as well die."
With that, I storm upstairs, tears streaming down my face I slam the door shut to my room, lock it and fall onto the bed. What's wrong with me. I never cry because of my emotions. Then I see my mom's painting and decide to just rant out to her.
"Hi mom." I say, looking at the painting.
Lucas's POV

We all helplessly watch as we see our little sister rush upstairs, with tears streaming down her face.
"Way to go Alex." Cole says.
"What the fuck did I-" Alex starts but Elijah just angrily cuts him off.
"It was all of our faults it seems. Let's go check up on her." We just nod and head to her room but find it locked. Just as one of us is about to knock, we hear her say something.
"Hi mom."
We share looks and decide to stand there and listen. Maybe she needs time.
"I miss you." She continues.
"I don't wanna live, mom. I wanna be with you. No one understands me here. Even my best friends and I don't talk much. I have my inner circle but I just want someone to understand me. They know my past, my present and everything but not what I go through. I miss you, mum. I remember when Alex was my favourite brother." She lets out a chuckle here. "I remember me running to him and jumping on him and clinging to him like a Koala so he won't be able to put me down." She stops. Her next words break my heart and I am sure everyone else's.
"Why did they leave, mum? Every month, every day, every year, I just wanted a family. And now that I have one, I don't want it. Alex thinks I am a slut, mom. No one cares. Remember when we used to go to the beach? Not even Cole, just you and me? Yeah. I miss that. I still have our pictures. But I just wish you could be here, and maybe, maybe I would still be the cheerful girl I once was, instead of a broken and damaged girl, with traumas." She sniffs.
"I love you, mom." With that, everything falls silent. I can feel my tears streaming down and see Cole and Jayden crying as well. Alex sheds a few tears as well but Elijah's face is clear, but his eyes are glossy. We all silently part ways into our own rooms, probably all crying.
Rose's POV
"I love you, mom." I say and fall silent, the tears finally stopping. I decide to just strip into some pj's and slip into bed. If you couldn't tell already, I am not very close to any of my friends anymore. I was I swear, but then things changed. I started getting more distant and more colder. Fights and gang stuff made me way too cold, and maybe, it's all for the best. Oh well.
With that, I drift into an uneasy sleep. Completely unaware of what would haunt me.
Hope you guys liked that chapter x
Sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes 🎋


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