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"Sure." I stop going up the stairs and plop down back onto the couch just between Elijah and Lucas.

"What do you wanna watch?" Lucas asks.
"Can we watch The Nun?"
"A horror movie? Are you sure?" Elijah asks. I just nod.
"Oh this will be good." Alex smirks as he puts on The Nun.
I smirk within as well. He thinks I am scared of horror movies? Ha as if. Me, ex leader of the ex mafia scared of horror?
No sir.
Feels weird to say ex. But in the end, it is what it is, right?
Halfway through the movie, I can see everyone is not the slightest bit affected by the movie except Cole. Poor guy is hiding behind a cushion. I remember when we were kids.
I shake my head to cut my thoughts short. I don't wanna think of those memories now. No matter how tough I am, the past still haunts me and it always will.
After a few more minutes into the movie that shall I tell you is really boring for me, I feel my eyes droop. I let my body fall onto Lucas and the last thing I feel is him pulling me close to him before I fall asleep.

Lucas's POV
I stare at the horror movie playing in boredom. This is horror? This is not the slightest bit creepy! Well atleast not for us. Cole seems to think it really is. But I still watch it since Rose suggested it.
After another few minutes, I feel something drop onto my side. I turn my head to see it's Rose, almost asleep. I pull her closer to me just as she falls asleep.
I smile. It feels good, to have my baby girl by my side even if it's only temporary. I know she doesn't like us but I refuse to believe that she still doesn't love us. We do.
"Lijah." I whisper to Elijah, so as to not wake Rose up.
"Hm?" He whispers back, seeing Rose asleep and leaning on me.
"I will take her to bed." I whisper back. He just nods. The guys have also fallen asleep on the couch so I leave them, knowing Elijah will either put blankets on them or wake them up so they go to bed. Oh well either way; I tuck Rose into bed and after one last look at her, I realise how vulnerable she really is. She's the strongest person I know, yes, but I feel like she never had a child hood, and maybe sometimes she just wants to let her emotions out but she hides them so well, it's almost impossible to read her. I sigh as I close her door and head out, heading into my own room and I just fall onto my bed. I don't bother changing, I am way too exhausted for that. I fall asleep rather quickly.

Rose's POV
I wake up, breathing heavily for no reason. I didn't have any nightmare, so why did I just wake up?
I hear rustling downstairs. What can I say, I have great hearing. And mafia skills.
Even though I think it's one of the boys, I cautiously and silently tiptoe down the stairs because I don't think they will be so silent in their own house.
As I descend downstairs, there's no one.
I don't call out in case there's a robber.
I just silently go into the kitchen and take the biggest kitchen knife I can find, and walk towards the living room, from where the sound is coming. As I go closer, I see a silhoutte of a man, rummaging through the sofas.
That's not any of my brothers. This man is not well built like them, but he's still decent.
I turn on the light and hold my knife in front of me just as the person turns around.
My eyes turn wide n shock as the person in front of me looks at me in shock as well. This...this can't be real. He's he's...
I hear footsteps come down the stairs and the next thing I know, all my brothers are next to me, all of us staring at the man in front of us in utter shock.
Finally, Jayden speaks.
hi hope you guys liked this chapter x
Sorry for any typos or grammtical mistakes💗
Also, so close to 4K reads omg🥺
My previous book is past 8K reads but seeing that people are reading this gives me hope that we can do better than my previous one x
Thank you to the person who texted me on insta saying you liked my story it really motivated me and made me happy
Much love x


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