Ch-38: Training-I

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*the next day*

Rose's POV

The next day everything seems dull and gloomy. I wake up panting from a nightmare at 5 a.m. For the next five hours, yes five, I just stay in bed, thinking of nothing and everything. I guess you would expect me to cry and stuff, but that's just not me anymore.
During those five hours, something hits me. I told the boys that they will go to the gang house for training today. I internally groan. Ugh. But atleast there is something to get my mind off of things.
Around 10, Lucas comes to wake me up. It's Saturday, so I assume that's why they aren't at work. Oh well who cares. He tries to talk to me but I remain silent and if necessary, only answer in one or two words. Even when the others try to talk to me, I just silently walk upstairs and go to my room..I call Daisy, my inner circle member to tell her to get the gang house ready.
"Hey, Capo. Morning."
"Morning Daisy. Look do me a favor, and prepare the gang house traning grounds and tell everyone, and yes including you, to take a leave today, okay?"
"Your order will be fulfilled, Capo."
"Thanks , bye."
Sighing as she cuts the call, I head to the washroom and decide to take a shower. Letting the cold water run down my back, I sigh as it somewhat calms me down. I head out to my closet and pick out an outfit. I am not Rose Woods anymore, I am Capo of the Mafia. So keeping that in mind, I pick out an all black outfit. My signature black leather jacket, a black tank top with leather pants and my combat boots. I braid my hair down my back and taking my phone, I head downstairs to tell the boys to get ready.
Just as I reach downstairs,I see all of them sitting there. Oh well.
"Rose-" Lucas starts but I stop him with my hand.
"All of you, get ready in 5."I say with my cold, emotionless Capo voice that I so expertly mastered.
""Why?" Jayden asks.
"Training, remember?" it's like they all remember it then and so they wordlessly leave for their rooms to go and get ready.
After 5 minutes of waiting, all of them come back and I have to admit, they all cover up well from their usual attires, this is a huge change. Or atleast it seems like it.
Elijah is wearing a light blue half sleeved T-shirt with some black pants and sneakers, Lucas wears a white tank and a black sports jacket with black pants as well and sneakers, Alex wears a black leather jacket over a white tank and ripped black jeans with black boots, good outfit, honestly; Jayden wears a black tee with blue ripped jeans and  brown combat boots and lastly Cole wears a white tank with blue ripped jeans and sneakers.
"Well, not bad. Now, I am obviously taking my bike and I assume so is Alex," I look at him and he just nods. No insults?Wow that's new. "As for the rest of you, I know everyone has bikes, but I would ask you to take the car, in case of...emergencies." Elijah raises his eyebrow at how slowly I say emergencies. What? One of them could get shot. Probably will. "Everyone Ready?" I ask and they all just nod. Nodding back, I head outside and they follow me. Off we go, to the place I let it all out in.
Ya all are gonna hate me for this but....
I will be trying to post in these last few days of January as much as I can BECAUSE I have my finals from 6  feb to 20 feb and I will indeed not be able to post at all :(  but I will still try my best to; maybe,  I hope.
thank you sooo much for 15K+ reads oml-
sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes
much love x
also u guys can ask me any questions about me or my book in the comments if u want
or not lol


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