Ch-40: black out

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I slow down as we reach our house. Something just feels off. I stop at a little distance from home and I hear the others stop behind me as well. It's just a gut feeling, you know?
I get down from my bike and turn to the others, placing a finger on my lips, telling them to be quiet. They just nod.
I mouth to them to stay where they are as I take a few steps forward. I feel it before I hear it. The stare of a man, the click of a silencer onto a gun.
"Drop down!" I yell to them as I do the same. Just in time as a bullet skims past me. I waste no time, getting back onto my feet, I pull the gun from my boot that I always keep.
"Stay together!" I yell to them as I run towards the direction the gunshot came from. I hear the shuffling of feet running away as I get closer. Ha not today buddy.
I slow down as I hear the feet slow and ragged breathing.
I walk with tip toe steps as I hear the man stop. Just a second later, I see him.
A tall guy huffing and puffing, his hands on his knees, his breathing ragged. I smirk.
I sneak up behind him and twist his arm, plopping him on his back and getting on top of him victoriously.
He struggles under me but I just rip his mask off.
Oh my.
Him again.
Why do I keep bumping into this Thunderstrike guy?
What's he got to do with me?
Out of the blue, he smirks.
"Hey. I am Hans, Hans Dirk. Lights out, beautiful."
Just as he says that, something hits the back of my head.
And then I black out.
Hi sorry am back 😭❤
Didn't edit halfway through cus I got bored lol here's a new chapter 💕updating more now!
also covid is rising in ny state schools might be online again am very sad stop
Hope you all are okay!
Stay safe💓

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