Ch-19:First day

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Rose's POV

I look around as everyone falls silent. I see the girls glaring at me and the boys glaring at the brothers. I roll my eyes.
"Yo you bunch of horny teenagers these are my brothers now take away your glaring eyes and shove them somewhere. So annoying. It's just my first day and I already hate it here. Ya all suck." I snap at them. Everyone quickly averts their gazes and goes on with their business. I roll my eyes.
The boys look amused as we all make our way inside.
The boys head to their classes as me and my friends head to the main office so I could get my schedule.
"Can I have my schedule please."
"Name." The lady there says with attitude. Ha. Wait till you hear my last name woman.
"Rose Woods."
She looks up at me in shock and hands me my schedule. I knew it. I smirk as me and my friends walk out and head to our classes. Sadly, we don't have any classes together today so they head to whatever they have while I head to math. Ugh.
I walk in as the teacher is apparently scolding someone.
"Who are you and why are you late?"
"Rose Woods. New student."
The teacher visibly pales. The Woods name has always been powerful.
"Ms. Woods please take a seat." He says.
I smirk and nod and head to the extreme back.
Well let's go through 2 hours of torture shall we.
*time skip to lunch*
Omg finally that teacher was dragging on about such a simple topic. Ugh math. I head to the cafe and see my friends at the entrance.
"'Sup" I say as they turn around.
"Go get some food we will save a table. We got ours already." Jade says and I notice that they indeed did. I nod and head to the food section.
I get some cheese pasta and apple juice.
Yum, I guess.
I head over to them and plop down across from Madie and Jade and next to Nyle.
We chat about random things until I look around and catch my brothers' eyes to see them already looking at me. I roll my eyes and concentrate back on my food.
Suddenly a hush falls on the crowd as I hear the clickity clack of heels.
I raise my head and there stands the cliché queen bee of our school. Of course I don't know her, but you could tell. The heels, the heavy makeup, the extremely short skirt and barely covering top. Yup that's her.
"You bitch." She says. I roll my eyes and stand up.
"What do you want?" I ask her, just wanting to continue eating my food. What? A girl's gotta eat.
"Stay away from Nyle. He's mine." She says as she looks at Nyle and bats her eyelashes. Nyle fake gags.
I laugh.
"Bitch if you couldn't tell that he doesn't like you how dumb are you."
"How dare you. He loves me. Right Nyley Poo?" She says batting her eyelashes at him again.
"Ew no." Nyle says and me and the girls burst out laughing.
"This is funny to you, huh? Gabe take care of this bitch will you."
"Who the fuck is Gabe bitch?" I ask her.
She smirks. "My older brother." I let out a frustrated sigh.
I see three guys get up from a table and come towards me as the bitchy bimbo and her minions back away.
"Watch it bitch." Gabe says to me as he swings his fist at me. I smirk and I can hear Jade, Madie and Nyle laughing. They know no one can beat me, the leader of a mafia, in a fight.
I take a hold of his fist forcefully lowering it down I punch him full force on the face, effectively knocking him out.
The other two come at me at the same time. I trip the one on my right with my foot as for the one on my left, I twist his arm back until I hear a light snap. Nope I didn't break it just twisted it. I see the right one getting back up so I kick him in the balls. I look to see everyone staring at the scene mouth agape. Even my brothers. I smirk as I motion for my friends to come out with me.
They all understand and we all head outside to the field.
"Damn Rose you killed them." Nyle says putting an arm around my shoulder.
We all laugh as we take a seat on the bleachere watching a bunch of boys playing football or mostly fighting.
We chat for a while about school and stuff and then we head inside as the bell rings. We all head back to our separate classes and endure torture for the rest of the day.
*time skip to after classes end*

I head to the entrance of the school and meet up with my friends and my brothers. As we all go towards our vehicles, I freeze as I see him.
The person who tormented me.
Sorry I updated so late 🥺
Hope you guys liked this chapter 💕
Sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes🥀

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