Ch-17:Shopping trouble-II

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I stand there frozen not knowing what to do. I look towards the doors that are close to our right and our car should just be around the corner.
I hate running away but this time Lucas and Jordan are here as well.
"Lucas open your car from here. " I whisper to Lucas and I hear him click his keys.
"Run." I tell them both and thankfully they immediately do. We dash towards the doors, as I also can hear the guys chasing us. We finally make it to the car.
"GET IN!" I shout and Jordan jumps into the front seat and Lucas in the driver's seat and I jump in the back. Lucas-thankfully-immediately locks the car and drives off.
I don't look at them I just take out my phone and dial one of the technology members of my gang.
"Hey Gabe. Yes. alcuni ragazzi sanno che sono qui, trova la loro posizione e poi manda la mia cerchia ristretta a prendersi cura di loro. (Some guys know am here. Find their location and then send my inner circle to take care of them.) " I tell him and after a quiet "si" from him I cut the call.
"We need to have a family meeting." I tell Lucas and he just nods and so does Jordan. Crap.
*time skip to when they reach home*

I reluctantly take the shopping bags-no I didnt leave them at the mall-and head inside, Lucas and Jordan following behind me.
"Hey how was sho-"Cole starts. I don't let him finish.
"Are Elijah and Alex home?"
"Yeah why."
"Family meeting. Now. It's urgent. " He just nods and walks upstairs as I plop onto the couch along with the shopping bags.
"What did you call a family meeting for?" Alex all but yells as he and Elijah along with Cole come downstairs.
"Alex. Calm down. And what is it Rose?" Elijah asks. I motion for them to sit down and they all do.
"Today in the mall we came across two guys from my rival gang. I could have taken them easily yes, but I ran because Lucas and Jordan were there and they were pretty much defenceless even with me there. "
"So? What do we do?" Jordan asks.
"We train. I know Elijah and Lucas are out at work most of the time but on weekends you have to train. And no slacking off. I regret getting you guys into this but now that you are in, you can't get out. "
"Where do we train? It's not like we own a place to train specifically. " Cole says. I smirk.
"Well first are you all down or not? It's either this so you can protect yourself or stay cautious and have the risk of dying."
Everyone just says yes or nods. I smirk wider.
"Well looks like you are going to our ganghouse." Everyone's-yes, including Elijah's-eyes go wide.
"Got it? " Everyone nods so I take my shopping bags and head upstairs to my room.
Oh boy this will be interesting.
Switching into comfy clothes, I head downstairs again.
Everyone probably left to go to their rooms. Oh well.
Thankfully, there's some frozen pizza. Yum.
I cook it and after eating it, I head upstairs, talk with my friends for a while and slowly drift off to sleep. 
Shit I start school tomorrow. Well atleast I can meet my friends.
Hope you guys liked this chapter 🥰
Sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes🥺


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