Ch-2: Dare or Drink-I

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I wake up in the morning to the glorious (note the sarcasm) sound of my alarm clock going off. Ugh. I check to see that it's 10:30 am. Wait what I overslept? Oh no, he's gonna kill me.
I rush downstairs only to be greeted by silence. Wait.
"He went for that trip." I whisper to myself and let a small grin etch itself onto my face.
I rush back upstairs and take a long and warm shower, one that I haven't had in a long time.
I slip into a midnight blue long sleeved dress and some boots and cover my scars and take a mini black backpack and  head to the gang house.I miss my hoes. Only minus point? It's three to four hours away, one and a half if I break the speed limit and rush it. As I always do.
*time skip to 1 hour and 45 minutes later*
Well that might have taken a little longer than I expected but oh well we are here now.
I enter it from the side door of the building so that no one sees me. I don't wanna be overwhelmed by the other gang members. Atleast not today. I slowly inch my way upstairs and knock at Marvin's door. He opens the door after a moment and before he could say anything I slip inside and sit on his bed.
"What are you doing here?" he asks me as he gives me a hug.
"I came to visit but didn't wanna bump into other members."
He just nods."Want me to call the others?" this time, I nod.
He sends a quick text and moments later, I hear rapid knocking on Marvin's door.He opens it and I am tackled in a hug. I laugh into the hug. Madie, Isla and Nyle.
"We missed you!" they all say a they let go of me.
I laugh as I say, "I did too."
We all sit on Marvin's bed and talk about everything that we had to catch up on.
"Remove your makeup." Nyle says out of the blue.
"Because we all know what happens with you we wanna see the damage so we know it's not infected." I smile at them. They care so much and it warms my heart. Honestly, the only time I smile is when I am with them.
I just nod and get out my wet wipes that i always carry from my backpack.They gasp. Yeah I would too. The gash that he made from the knife goes from just below my eye to my chin.
"Is it infected?" Isla asks.
I just shake my head and head to the bathroom. I am not nervous or scared if I show them. They understand. I calmly put my make up back on and go back out.
"Rose Dare or Drink?" Marvin says smirking. So they set up while I was gone.
I smirk back.
"Dare you to go out to the balcony and shout 'I love to suck'." Everyone laughs and I just groan.
"Fine." this game will be interesting. Because I am interesting when I am drunk.
Oh well.
hope you like this update x
sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes :)


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