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I angrily trudged my suitcase down the stairs, walking ahead of it. The police officers' head snapped to me once they heard me come downstairs.
"Ready?" the female officer, whose name tag says Riley, asks me.
I just nod and head out the main door,them following in pursuit.
They put my suitcase in the trunk as I take a last look at the place I once called home. Ugh. Disgusting.
Just before I get into the car, I remember something.
How can I forget?
"Uh, officer?" I ask Riley.
"What about my bike?" I ask her.
"Oh we saw that. Another car will bring it later. Sound good?" she asks me. And I just nod.
After looking out the window for a little while, my eyelids start to droop.
I realise how less of an amount of sleep I have been living on, so I decide to take a nap. Or just straight up sleep throughout the ride. Yeah.

*time skip to after the car ride*

I wake up to the jostle of the car stopping. I yawn and stretch my arms. I get out the car and look around.
This is the other side of where I stay. The place where my gang and fights are. Does that mean that they stay here? Or around here?
"Well...welcome." Riley says only then do I take in the house.
No scratch that. This place is a freaking mansion. What the heck?
I get out my suitcase and follow the officers up to the large front double doors.
The male officer-whose name is Shane,apparently-rings the doorbell. From meeting me till here, he hasn't uttered a word. I wonder why? Anyways, I just shrug that off.
"Nervous?" Riley asks. Again, I just shrug.
The front door opens to reveal a kind-looking lady who looks like she might be around her mid 30's.
"Oh officers. Please come in." She greets them and then her eyes land on me. She gives me such a warm and welcoming smile that I can't help but smile back.
As I enter, I am pretty sure my jaw drops. This place is freaking huge. It could fit like 10 of my apartments, give or take.
"See they have been happy without you. Why did you miss them all these years, then?" My conscience pipes in.
I don't even deny it.
"I don't know." Yes I have conversations with myself. You will be lying if you say you don't.
The lady from before leads us to what looks like a living room.
And there they all sit, as calmly and as cold as ever.
My brothers.
Their heads snap towards us as the kind looking lady announces our arrival.
Cole immediately rushes to me and tries to hug me but I flinch and back away.
Hurt flashes through his eyes but I don't care. I can't hug males ever since what he started doing to me.
"Cole come back here." He walks back hesitantly after Elijah calls him back.
The officers tell me to sit so I do and they do too. The lady from before leaves. When the officers start talking to Elijah about my stay and other stuff, only then do I dare to look at the people whom I once loved and called my brothers.
Alex is just looking at the officers with a cold, hard look on his face. He used to be so warm and comforting. I think. Now he's just intimidating.
Jayden just sits there on his phone, not caring at all.
Lucas is talking to the officers with Elijah, both of them having serious facial expressions.
And Cole. He's just staring at me. I quickly avert my eyes. No I cannot love him anymore. Not again.

After a while, the officers get up to leave.
"Rose you have my number I gave you a call, call me anytime you need okay?" Riley says. I just nod. She gives me a smile and Shane gives me a polite nod, I just nod back.
After they leave, I plop back down on the sofa. Everyone's eyes are on me. I mentally roll my eyes and look at Elijah.
"Before you go onto your rules, I have some of mine." he motions for me to go ahead.
"No form of physical contact with me. No hugs, No nothing. You won't question me where I go or when, I just inform you that I am going out. You don't ask me questions about my life, I stay out of yours. You won't criticize my clothes or call me a sl*t and stuff for whatever I wear. I want my privacy in my room, so knock if you need anything and don't go in without me. Don't question my friendship with boys.Last, don't ever touch or go through my stuff or belongings. "
I finish.
"And young lady, what makes you think we will listen to those?" Elijah asks.
"Because they were applicable where I was adopted in and without them, I call the police back and leave." He seems to consider it for a moment.
"Of course we will no-" Alex starts but Elijah cuts him off.
"Fine. But only if you listen to our rules and obey them, we will obey yours." I nod for him to continue. Alex was about to protest but one look from Lucas and he stops.
"No boyfriends. I don't think you have one either so I will trust you with that. You will not ask us questions about our business. And last, any thing you need, we pay."
"Done." I say.
They all just nod.
"Can we ask you some questions?" Lucas asks.
"Go ahead but I will not promise that I will answer them." everyone nods.
"How many times have you been adopted?" Lucas asks.
"Once." he nods.
"How was life...without us?" Jayden hesitantly asks.
I glare at him. "Not answering." Then I look at Elijah.
"Excuse me but I have to go and buy some art supplies." I say and walk off.
I head outside and thankfully, my bike is already there. I get on it and put on my helmet and drive off. I just needed to get away from them.
You see, I love art. But once, he found out about it and threw all my supplies and burned all my paintings. I was 12. I never bought anything related to art back home again after that. I did it all in school.
I head into the stationary shop and buy many art supplies. I buy them and put them in the secret compartment of my bike. Then I head back to them.
kinda boring :P
hope you liked it :)
sorry for any grammatical mistakes or typos.


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