Ch-35: drowning

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Rose's POV

It feels like drowning, you know? When you can't get out of your own head, you just seem to give up on everything.
You feel like your head is underwater, and you want to get it out, but you can't.
That feeling. That's what I am feeling right now.
I can hear my brothers' breaths outside my door, but I can't find it in myself to care.
Slowly dragging myself off of the floor, I head to the washroom. I look at myself in the mirror and hate what I see.
Swollen eyes, red nose, scars on my hands.
Who is this person?
I used to be so...happy.
What changed?
'you don't deserve happiness.' The voices said.
'Shut up!' I replied.
'it's true, you know...' They fade away.
It's come to the point where I am back in the dark hell I used to be, and the voices are more convincing, because this time I heard my own brothers say they don't like me. What do I have to live for?

Lucas's POV
Everything is silent as the only sound I hear are our breaths. Until we hear a loud crash, like the breaking of glass.
I stare at Elijah wide eyed and it doesn't take us long to move the others out of the way and to kick the door open. We get in and run around the room, shouting Rose's name.
"The washroom!" Cole suddenly shouts and we go towards it.
Thankfully, this door is not locked.
So we go in and we see the most horrible sight we could ever see.
Our baby sister, is lying there, broken glass all around her, a large piece of glass in her hand and she lies in a pool of her own blood, as her hand bleeds.
Not wasting any time, me and Elijah pick her up and rush to the top floor, where we have a personal infirmary.
The others look ready to cry, and Cole even is. Jayden has tears swimming in his eyes, but as for Alex, he just leaves and slams the front door. Probably for the best, because he is the worst when he loses his temper, so might as well take it out somewhere else.
Elijah calls over some medics and they are there in five minutes and they hurriedly start their treatment.

Rose's POV
(this takes place when they pick her up)
Why am I moving? Am I finally dead?
'Ha you wish you were.' The voices say. And I agree. I really wish I was.
I feel so light headed. Maybe this is it. Maybe this is my end. And I am glad to go.
I feel myself being placed gently onto something.
I don't get a time to contemplate what's happening before I don't feel anymore, and I faint.
We are so close to 10K reads omg
also, I just realised I haven't yet included a lot of people from the cast list but I will I swear ✋🏻
Hope you guys liked this chapter
Sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes
Much love x


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