Ch-36: walls

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Lucas's POV

It's been four hours. Four freaking hours. And there still isn't any sign of movement from Rose. She's as still as a leaf. The only sign of her still being alive is her pulse, and her low breathing.
The medics said she would be okay, just a lot of blood loss made her pass out.
I am trying to stay calm and not do anything harsh that I will regret later.
But the others have been a totally different case.
Elijah has been locked in his office, not eating or drinking, not talking or responding to any of us, completely being cut off.
Alex. He's the worst. He came from who knows where with bruised and bloodied knuckles, and went to his room and he, like Elijah, is not talking or doing anything.
Jayden has been going in and out of the room, looking at her and leaving and coming back again. Not talking at all. I don't think any of us can talk, or we might just break.
Cole is a mess. He's crying and he won't say anything. He randomly comes in and stays for a while, then leaves and just continues this cycle.
I suddenly catch movement in my peripheral vision.
I look up to see Rose moving her finger.
Literally jumping off my chair, I am immediately clutching her hand. But she pulls away. And then she starts screaming.
Everyone rushes in and tries to calm her down but nothing works.

Rose's POV

I open my eyes and look at my surroundings. Wait. This is not the Woods place. This is....
"Finally awake, are you?" My blood runs cold at that voice.
"Yeah it's me, Jordan. And I have guests."
His guests are never good. I gulp.
I try to speak but I can't.
There is suddenly light and I can see my surroundings. The horrendous bedroom that I have spent nights in, sleeping in my own blood.
But this time, it's not him that torments me.
It's them.
My brothers.
I try to speak again, yell even, but I can't. I see them come towards me and thinking they are gonna help me, I relax a little. But then I see their smirks and something seems off. Lucas, the usual caring Lucas, has eyes full of hatred, the rest the same. Fear overwhelms me and I scream out, as I feel immense pain in my leg. I look down, not being able to form words now even though I can speak, and see Alex carving words onto my legs.
I scream as my eyes shut close without me realising. I scream for the pain, for my family, for everything.
I hear voices in between my screams. Telling me they are there, that they care, but it's lies. It's always been lies.
"Bambina." Wait. I know that voice. Lucas?
I try to open my eyes, and stop screaming even though the pain is so hard not to scream for.
"Bambina it's okay. Open your eyes." The voice says.
I slowly open my eyes. And when I finally open them, I see Lucas staring at me. I look around and see everyone looking at me with worried eyes. Then I take in my surroundings and see that I am in
"Where am I?" My voice comes out croaky.
"Here." Jayden gives me a glass of water and I thirstily gulp it down.
He takes the glass and puts it back on the bedside table.
"You are at home, the Woods place. It's just our clinic here." Lucas says.
Clinic? Why am I at the clinic?
'you surely remember what you did? no? Let us remind you .' The voices.
'broken glass. your hand. blood. Remember?'
Everything comes back like a train wreck. I tried to kill myself. Again.
"Why?" Lucas asks me, staring at me with teary eyes that No. I am not falling for their lies again. They broke my walls enough to make me feel, not anymore. This time, I am gonna put up my walls more taller and stronger. I will not let them break them. Not again.
"Why do you care?I thought you guys didn't like me. And I am not gonna tell you guys either." I say in a calm and cold tone.
"You better tell us right now or-" Alex starts to raise his voice and that pisses me off.
"Or what? Huh? You are gonna throw me out? Do it. I don't care."
"Attitude, lady." Elijah speaks.
"Don't talk to me about attitude. You guys don't even like me, so why tolerate me? Just let me go already." I fire back.
Everything falls silent.
"But we do love you." Cole speaks.
"Bullshit." I say and fall back onto the bed and close my eyes.
"We will let you rest." I hear Elijah say and hear everyone leave.
'how about let you rest, but forever?'
The voices say.
'Sounds good.' I reply back and somehow fall back asleep.
I am freaking out oml thank you so much ya all are the best 😭🥺
hope you guys liked this chapter and I am honestly so thankful for you all.
Sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes
Lots of love x


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